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Phoon Rims Cant Handle Melbourne Roads


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Get a lawyer to write a letter of demand to the council responsible. I know of 3 people + motor or wheels mag who this worked for.

Usually people with 19's and low profile tyres. Our defence is usually something to do with driving to the roads conditions and using nonstandard wheels and tyres on substandard roads.

They are legal fitment on a BA falcon standard or otherwise that is not an excuse for council maintaing a "substandard" road.

Seriously we pay our takes, speeding fines, rates ect ect and the local and state govenments give us crap roads that damage our property when driving to the conditions and limits of the roads.

MAKE THEM PAY and maybe they will figure out that it is better to maintain the roads to a higher and safer standard.

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I doubt ford will replace the rim. They won't see it as their fault that you ran over a pot hole imo. You should do what savage said, get onto the council.

I agree with Glenn.

It's not a warranty claim, there's no faulty part. The big pot hole just damaged it.

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one good thing this has done is that now I need a wheel alignment anyways, im going to get me some lowered springs for her to make it a worth while exercise  :spoton:


I know you too well, you went and found that hole... Now you can go have the car lowered under the guise of getting the "damage" fixed and the wife will be none the wiser... :P

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I know you too well, you went and found that hole...  Now you can go have the car lowered under the guise of getting the "damage" fixed and the wife will be none the wiser...  :P

shhhhhh!!! the wife might hear you :spoton:

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  • Member For: 19y 4m 10d
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About 4 years ago I was driving home at 2am along a main road, which earlier in the day was in perfect condition, but unknown to me they had taken a profile of the road (nice big cut) about 3in deep, and me rolling along on 17in 45 series went crunch, my mate with his HT baloons on was fine, but my two front rims were fubared.

Long story short, the counsil passed the buc onto the road company, who actually came through, and my wheels went standard fitment either, but two new wheels later I was happy, only took 2 weeks. So imho there is hope for a stock wheeled car.

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Thanks for all the replys.

when I hit the pot hole I was on my way to Geelong for work.  After the 15 minutes that it took me to change the rim I was running too late to go back and take a photo.  3 hours later on my return trip the pot hole had been filled in  :blink:

I guess that means the council new about it and I just had really bad timing??

Ford spare parts has quoted me $515 inc for a new rim.  In all honesty I think its just going to be more hassel than its worth trying to sue the counsil for $500.

one good thing this has done is that now I need a wheel alignment anyways, im going to get me some lowered springs for her to make it a worth while exercise  :spoton:

Ill still try my luck with ford service just to see what they say.  Ill let you all know what there response is.

P.S are the kingspring SL and SSL for the xr6t the same as for the phoon???


Would have taken a happy of the newly filled in hole,you can tell easily it's hew sh!t that has been put in there

vik...woth a try mate :spoton:

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