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Phoon Rims Cant Handle Melbourne Roads


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Hi guys,

just thought I'd post a couple of pics that I took of a front rim from my phoon after it hit a pot hole doing around 80.

the reason I didn't swing out to avoid the hole is because we were next to oncoming traffic and I would rather hit a pot hole than a 3t truck (the other side had a gutter).

anyway do you think this could be a warranty claim?? the rear rim hit the same hole at the same speed and its fine. That's why I'm thinking maybe a defective rim??

or am I dreaming?



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Another approach is to send the bill (if warranty doesn't work) to the 'offending' council. Their road damaged your car, through the normal course of driving. You have a good case. Document what you can, and keep the photos.

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I doubt ford will replace the rim. They won't see it as their fault that you ran over a pot hole imo. You should do what savage said, get onto the council.

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:wub: :wub:

Unless you were related to david flint :wub: I think that one way or the other your either going to have to fork out $600+ or swap the dented one for the spare, pursuing any local council will just drive you completely insane for at least 2 years, using our money to pay lawyers while it costs you at least $7000 in legal expenses, nasty dent though, the sharp outer edge at the rim is also highly allergic to gutters and you can't repair any scrapes because they are a polished lacquered rim.

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  • HgAg soldier
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hey mate,

I work for a country council and we always get claims for damaged wheels from potholes. I dont think many people are successful with their compensation claim.

Usually people with 19's and low profile tyres. Our defence is usually something to do with driving to the roads conditions and using nonstandard wheels and tyres on substandard roads.

You might have a case seeing your rims are stock, but it really depends on what proof you have. Piccies are good. It also depends on how long ago council was notified of the pothole. I think they have to attend to it within a certain period and if they dont they could be liable.


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If you don't get any joy from Ford or from the council try and alloy wheel repairer... like Advanced Alloy Wheel Repairs in Moorabbin. I hear they are very good and may be able to re-roll it for you...

Good Luck... With my 20's now I'm really scared of driveways and pot holes...

Jack :wub:

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Sounds like your pressure in the tyre was/is too high. Or it was an enormous pothole. (theres also more weight in the front end of the car, hence why your rear wheel isnt buckled)

As for getting money out of a council. Good luck with that.

There has to be a written complaint about the pothole before you can claim any damages to your car. So if no ones complained about it, then nothing can be done.

You could get the rim shaped for about $120 I think.

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Definitlley chase VicRoads or the relevant council for this depending on whose jurisdiction the road falls under. Plonkly made a great post on this a while ago, you may need to do a search to find it but he expalined in detail how to go about claiming and what to say etc. Going back and getting pics of the hole is the first thing you should do.

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  • Weird Member
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Unless you were related to david flint :spit:  I think that one way or the other your either going to have to fork out $600+ or swap the dented one for the spare, pursuing any local council will just drive you completely insane for at least 2 years, using our money to pay lawyers while it costs you at least $7000 in legal expenses, nasty dent though, the sharp outer edge at the rim is also highly allergic to gutters and you can't repair any scrapes because they are a polished lacquered rim.


The last bit is not correct.... I did this to my rim and had it repaired to like new.

They had to send it away to be repaired and machined on a high speed lathe (9000rpm) and then re lacquered.... was not cheap though. :nono:

I doubt your wheel could be repaired as in the 2nd pic you can see it is cracked. :fool:

Try FPV first as an unmodified production car shuld be suitable for use on public roads....good luck.


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Thanks for all the replys.

when I hit the pot hole I was on my way to Geelong for work. After the 15 minutes that it took me to change the rim I was running too late to go back and take a photo. 3 hours later on my return trip the pot hole had been filled in :fool:

I guess that means the council new about it and I just had really bad timing??

Ford spare parts has quoted me $515 inc for a new rim. In all honesty I think its just going to be more hassel than its worth trying to sue the counsil for $500.

one good thing this has done is that now I need a wheel alignment anyways, im going to get me some lowered springs for her to make it a worth while exercise :kissmy:

Ill still try my luck with ford service just to see what they say. Ill let you all know what there response is.

P.S are the kingspring SL and SSL for the xr6t the same as for the phoon???

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