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The Cronulla Solution Is Here


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In no way do I support the violence against innocent lesonese people, but I do support the stand up against the dikheads in the race. As people have said it isn't just a handful, but in todays youth theres F**k load of leb's that always start sh*t for no reason at all. I have seen it over and over again. Two weeks ago at a underage club a mate of mine was bashed by a group of lebs for accidently stepping on somones shoe, of which he appologised straight away and then got smacked down to the floor and the sh*t kicked threw him by 5 or 6 people. Stuff like this happens over and over again and somthing has to be done, although a 'gang war' is not the answer.

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  • Team Bute
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Over 450 police officers have been patrolling the region in the last few days to retain control of the streets.

The pollies are making special legislation to allow extra-ordinary measures to be taken by police to curb the situation in Sydneys beach side suburbs. Police will be able to search premises and cars, and be given more flexibility in dealing with riotous anti-social behaviour... Hallelujah! About time!

Surf club members and Lebanese bikies are meeting to broker a "peace deal".

I hope that they can be level headed, reach an agreement, and be in a position to influence the sentiments of the perpetrators in both camps.

This situation has to nipped in the bud.

Whilst I could understand the reason the Cronulla incident escalated to the point of a vigilante reprisal, due to inaction by authorities, I am disturbed that racial attacks have occured in other cities around Australia.

fingers crossed that tensions will ease, the pollies actually make a decision, and the Police can be given the support they need to do their job properly.


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  • Great rack
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fingers crossed that tensions will ease, the pollies actually make a decision, and the Police can be given the support they need to do their job properly.


Lets hope so Tom.

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Ummm guys not good news...been on msn the last 2 hours and have had more than 15 different people from different regions around victoria copying and pasting this msg:

LOCATION: ****** TIME: Friday, Mid-day. DATE: **th - December - 2005. The LOW-DOWN: In Sydney the Aussies are attempting to scare the "wogs" by fighting. In Melbourne the "wogs" will be fighting the aussies. spread the news and let it be knOwn that on the **th of December 2005, Midday ********.

At first thought it was some small chain mail going around from some idiot trying to start sh*t but now everyones talking about it....lets hope things dont get as bad as sydney. :sleepystuff:


Edited by GlennAUII
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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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LOCATION: ******* TIME:*********DATE: ***********. The LOW-DOWN: In Sydney the Aussies are attempting to scare the "wogs" by fighting. In Melbourne the "wogs" will be fighting the aussies. spread the news and let it be knOwn that on the **th of December 2005, Midday at ***********.


Best put that away mate.

Edited by GlennAUII
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Like every other person in Australia I've been watching the news, reading articles in the newspaper or reading threads like this one on the internet and it's a terrible to think if this problem escalates to the point that other major cities in Australia will be the same as Cronulla.

Australia has so many different cultures and religions and being the great country it is that allows our freedom and peaceful lifestyle it's so scary to think that one could be targeted because of problem happening at the moment, and without any involvement.

I think it was terrible what happened to the life savers but you would think the authorities would have nipped this one in the butt immediately although its a difficult task with timing and resources. Regardless of race or religion if someone is publically announcing their threats or the fact they are going to harm someone then the authorities should nail it straight away and show none of this is tolerated.

Unfortunately there has been cases of muslims saying that western women deserved to be raped or going to be raped because they show to much skin or because they wear bikinis or low cut tops is outrageous. When incidents like this occur why doesnt the government do something about it instead of just listening to it or brushing it aside and hoping it was just someone having an ego trip. Use the full force of the law to make an example of these individuals so that there rest people from there race / culture are not condemned or targeted during incidents like Cronulla and make sure there is no fighting between caused by racism or other issues caused by differences in cultures. Can you really judge a country, culture, religion by the actions or words from 1 person, 10 people, 100 people ?? or even 1000's ???

Regardles of race or culture if you break the law you suffer the consequences like anyone else in Australia and it doesnt mean the government or country is being racist. Yet you'll find that in some cultures believe they are being targeted specificially because of their religion / culture. No one deservers special treatment !!

Although I dont live in Cronulla I pray that the the government handles the problem appropriately so it doesnt extend to the othe cities or states. I dont want to live in fear or worry that myself, family or friends will be attacked because some miniority of white australians were involved in the Cronulla incident.

Regardless of the problem no one should take the law into their own hands. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but there should be a line you dont cross and you know when you provoke a confrontation. Sometimes we think the law is soft but no reason to go around attacking innocent people regardless. If this does occur its up to the government and law to handle the situation appropriately. If they dont then I guess a lot of innocent people will suffer the consequences.

I really dont know what else to say and maybe I havent made any sense but I feel sorry for an innocent person that was targeted or has been hurt from the fighting in Cronulla.


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  • loitering with intent
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Over 450 police officers have been patrolling the region in the last few days to retain control of the streets.

Surf club members and Lebanese bikies are meeting to broker a "peace deal".

I hope that they can be level headed, reach an agreement, and be in a position to influence the sentiments of the perpetrators in both camps.

This situation has to nipped in the bud.

fingers crossed that tensions will ease, the pollies actually make a decision, and the Police can be given the support they need to do their job properly.



Call it however you will , the only way around this is for the cops to win back the streets. Bring it on before the mindless minority get any traction with this BS.

No tolerance..... from any side . Break the law ... dont pass go, cage for you :sleepystuff:

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  • The guy from that other colony
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WTF is going on on this planet? First France, now Australia falling to madness. (not all Aussies, obviously. I know a good many level headed people from there, and it's a comfort to hear so many on this board preaching tolerance)

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