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The Cronulla Solution Is Here


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I think its amazing its taken this long to come to a head.

Pick any country in the world where cultures and heritages are mixed and at some point a conflict is likely to erupt. Australia is multi cultural so it was unlikely this country would come out unscathed.

earliar this year I went to check out the area I grew up in, the neighbouring suburbs barely have an English Written sign and is now a well known area for the Drug world.

Its the same age old basis for wars and riots - different beliefs, religions and politics.

Is there an answer to this problem? so far NO. I have visited enough countries to witness the divisions within communities.

as for sending people back from where their heritage originated - australia would be empty.


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If it is found the real cause of the problem is "new" Australians wanting to instill their beliefs onto the rest of us, then there has to be a clear directive to all communities that that mentality will NOT be tolerated in our society!


And then you have the case of the Qld School Headmaster who had to apologise to prevent a case from going to the anti-discrimination commission because she used the word “Christmas” too many times in the school newsletter. One muslim family took offence as they don’t celebrate what is typical Australian culture (regardless of the religious links).

At least the premier made a point of getting onto any radio station he could to offer his full support to the headmaster and even made the point of wishing everyone a Merry Christmas :blink:

I was in some way appalled by the images shown on the news last night, but then I wouldn’t imagine it would have been any more appalling then if the media scrum had been present for the bashing of the life guards and sensationalised that on film as well.

I think this has been a long time coming, albeit a bit over the top, but I’m glad it has happened.

that's actually a slight missquote.

The family are not Muslim. Strange? yes but not Muslim.

Which makes the whole thing even stranger. Basicly the Father said he is not of Christian belief so he is offended by "Christ"mas.

Get used to it 'cause it's just gunna get worse...... :blush:

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Todays West Australian contains a number of pics showing groups of morons all holding stubbies, either chasing cops (trying to protect others), egging on some other d*ckhead about to smash a bottle over a cops head or belt the living sh*t out of someone who I assume they hold directly responsible for the acts of an entire race of people.

Lebenese, Asian, German, African Pigmy or Australian born, anyone who feels its their given right to get a gut full of p*ss and start bashing people is just a plain meathead. :blink:

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Just been watching the news and Current Affair.

Absolute disgrace and those involved should be ashamed and embarrassed.

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  • Woooooooosh
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Just been watching the news and Current Affair.

Absolute disgrace and those involved should be ashamed and embarrassed.

I couldnt agree more what a dead set DISGRACE

Very very very sad on all sides involved

We are heading down a bad road

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I think what happened yesterday is a disgrace, I usually go there for a swim, not anymore as I run the risk of getting jumped by some redneck Aussie. I'm a white collar professional and my heritage is Lebanese, I think most of the people on this forum are racist, which is sad. I guess the only real common thing I have with most of you is my love for the XR6. I don’t condone what happened with the lifeguard’s but what happened yesterday was even more disgraceful. The problem here is they have started a fight with a ethic race that loves a all out brawl and all that will happen is innocent people will get caught in the middle and some one will be killed.

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Yeah but remember what you see on any current affairs program is always ridiculously one eyed. Usually a long way from a balanced perspective.

It's easy for people that don't live in the area to sit on their soap box and condemn what happened yesterday. But unless you've experienced what has been going on here for over a decade(I used to get hassled when I was young and used to surf there every weekend...), then you really have no place to comment.

I do not condone the violence that happened, as I believe that violence solves nothing. But the fact that over 5000 people showed up is an indicator that something needs to be done. Poeple have had enough.

"Leave it to the police" they say "let them do their job". Fact of the matter is that they don't. There is nothing that they can do. With their numbers diminishing rapidly, and our current budget and legal system about the only thing they do these days is file a report. What more can they do for a random bashing? The mongrel then gets away with it, gets a power kick from it, and heads out to do another. Show me where the incentive is not to...

I have had several friends bashedplus my house broken into and on all occasions, the cops did SFA...

This will all down to the politicians/authorities and how they handle the situation, as to the outcome. But I don't think we've seen the end of it yet...

I received another SMS today rallying everyone up for this sunday again.

Lets hope common sense prevails...

Chris :blink:

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  • Big Gun
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there was an article a couple of months back where a group of guys down at the rocks were insulting the police calling them cops and using racial comments towards them on a current affair and they simply started there car and drove away WTF message does that send out to these people :blush:

CYA JEFF :blink:

I saw that article. I think that made it it for the cops because they knew they were on telivision. Imagine what would be said if they 'took action' right there on national telly. They can't win either way.

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