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My Car Died


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  • XXR.64T
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Ok Goldbullet, lets get to the bottom of this, tell me EXACTLY the chain of events, and the symptoms your car suffered.

hehehhe dr. Phil is in the house

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Well I phoned HPF today and got a very technical answer I was told it never happened and it was all in my head, so I will go and see the doctor tomorrow to see if he can fix the problem in my head, which will then stop the car from f*cking up. Boy these tuners must think we are all dickheads  :gooff:

Pissed off Dave. :spoton:

I can't believe they told you that Dave!

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I have had a similar problem with the TPS light coming on in my t ever since I got my edit. I talked to my ford guy and he said ford wont replace anything untill it does it with the factory tune and the codes are loged in the computer. I have been running arond for about 4 weeks with factory tune but still no TPS light. I will see what happens when I get my edit back from Simon next week hopefully... se if problem comes back... :spoton:

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Been pretty quiet here so far.....I rang HPF about this 'supposed problem' today, and its the first they have heard of it.....


BULLsh*t now I suppose I didn't phone them either, I suppose that's all in my head too. No more mod's for me every one is great and helpfull when you are getting to the most rwkw and spending $$$$ but know one wants to know you when you are just trying to maintain your rwkw and sort out the problems that come up with work that has already been done.

Ill stick with what I have now and be happy to do that the incentive to go any further is gone with the thought that the backup that is required is not there which is a scarey thought on a $100k project.

Dave. The imaginer

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Just going on what I was told Goldbullet, could you please answer my initial question though so a sequence of events can be worked through...


It hasn't changed from what I said in my first post the event's are as I said.

Thank's for trying to help anyway Martin but you know who im having a dig at the place where I spent all my $$$$. All I asked was for a bit of support and some sort of theory not to be told it didn't happen.

Thank's anyway

Dave. Ex Moder

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