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Cruise: (vic) Wilsons Promontory, 5th February.

Mr Turbo

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Just to mention that there is an ENTRY FEE into Wilsons Prom, something like $10 car load also No ANIMALS are allowed in the park.

Hope to see some old faces on this cruise :laughing:

Happy New Year to all


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Just to mention that there is an ENTRY FEE into Wilsons Prom, something like $10 car load also No ANIMALS are allowed in the park.

If that's the case then I'm not going...

Kidding... :laughing:

I'll hit up my passengers for that fee :nono:

Jack :blink:

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  XR6T8_U said:
Just to mention that there is an ENTRY FEE into Wilsons Prom, something like $10 car load also No ANIMALS are allowed in the park.

If that's the case then I'm not going...

Kidding... :blink:

I'll hit up my passengers for that fee :nono:

Jack :blink:

What... the missus and the kids :nono::nono::spit:

Rob... :blink:

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1. Mr Turbo = BA XR6 T

2. Blown BA = BA XR6 T

3. Miss Aly & Bri Bri = BA XR6 T

4. XR6T8_U = BA XR6 T

5. Rapt = BA XR6 T

6. MercuryT = BA XR6 T

7. Dswiders = BA XR6 T

8. Mercurysteve = BA XR6 T

9. Goldbullet = BA XR6 T

10. Howie = BA

11. SnyperEB = EB1 4.0 GL

12. MEANED = ED 5.0 Fairmont

13. devilracer_01 = EL XR6

14. Ghia5L = EB1 5.0 Ghia

15. klawsterfobik = DF Series II LTD

16. LTDHO = DC Series II LTD 341rwk's


18. XG-Panelvanman = XG Panelvan

19. Pilch = XC 351


21. Obriza

22. Kev_XR8_UTE = BA XR8

23. Brock B8

24. LuvmySR

25. Phillo62 = Ef Falcon

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What... the missus and the kids

Nah Rob... No missus and no kids...

Just mates who are up for a day out, though I will let you know now that one of them is a dyed in the wool Expensive Daewoo fan (though so was I :msm::msm: ) and just wants to come along to see your car and a few of the other heavily modded XRT's, as I have told him all about them!!!!


Jack :crybaby:

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1. Mr Turbo = BA XR6 T

2. Blown BA = BA XR6 T

3. Miss Aly & Bri Bri = BA XR6 T

4. XR6T8_U = BA XR6 T

5. Rapt = BA XR6 T

6. MercuryT = BA XR6 T

7. Dswiders = BA XR6 T

8. Mercurysteve = BA XR6 T

9. Goldbullet = BA XR6 T

10. EvilDaifu = BF XR6T

11. SnyperEB = EB1 4.0 GL

12. MEANED = ED 5.0 Fairmont

13. devilracer_01 = EL XR6

14. Ghia5L = EB1 5.0 Ghia

15. klawsterfobik = DF Series II LTD

16. LTDHO = DC Series II LTD 341rwk's


18. XG-Panelvanman = XG Panelvan

19. Pilch = XC 351


21. Obriza

22. Howie = BA

23. Kev_XR8_UTE = BA XR8

24. Brock B8

25. LuvmySR

26. Phillo62 = Ef Falcon

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  EvilDaifu said:
I'd like to go.  Please count me in.  EvilDaifu - BF XR6T

Thank you for your PM mate, this helps out alot. If you dont mind I will share this with other members.

From EvilDaifu

Just wanted to let you know the Wilsons Prom Gateway Hotel contact details at Fish Creek (on the main road through Fish Creek - can't miss it as it has a giant dead fish lying on top of the hotel roof!) for dinner on the way home as I had dinner there last night and it was pretty good. I had a Parma (huge) and it cost me $18.90. Kids fish'n'chips are $7.50 and a if you just want salad, you get a huge plate to fill at the salad bar for $7.50. So it was similar to Melbourne pricing, but I tell you what, at that time of day, there is really nothing else until Leongatha or Korumburra and after a hard day of driving and playing at the beach, that's a long drive to dinner. On Sundays it is open all day 12pm - 8pm for meals (so you need to get there before 8pm when the kitchen closes). Contact number for them is ph 03 5683 2404.

There's also a BBQ at Tidal River, but the one I used was opp the Rangers Office (not near Norman Beach). It only has 2 hot plates, so if it is busy, there might be a bit of wait. For some reason, it was not particular busy yesterday at 1pm (which surprised me because I had to queue up for about 15 min just to pay at the Park entrance!)

He also said that a gun metal Ford Falcon sedan was parked to the side of the road of the National Park between the Entrance Gate and Tidal River looking like a tourist with a speed gun box attached to where the front number plates are. Speed limit along that road is 80km/h so just make you guys aware.


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Hi all,

I'd like to know from you experienced cruisers out there - will you be using CB radios during this cruise? In your opinions, do you think I will feel left out of it if I don't have one?

I'm thinking of getting one - maybe a 5W Uniden UH075 as per advice from other threads.


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