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whats worse is not getting the right advice from the start!! any good wheel aligner should have told you there wasn't enough give in the front to stop it scrubbing the tyres. I had originally only booked mine in for an alignment, the dude had it on the machine for 2 seconds before he took it off and told me I'd need a kit.

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Yeah you would think so hey. I should just go back there and show them a tyre and tell them there friggin useless give me some slight satisfaction. How sad am I haha

It's all good now any ways my bro sorted it out for me and my ute's booked in for some tlc. Def doing it right this time

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Yeah you would think so hey. I should just go back there and show them a tyre and tell them there friggin useless give me some slight satisfaction. How sad am I haha

this dude is sellin 20's just get them and a $90 wheel allignment n they will do for a year and a bit


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Camber kit is only for the rear's stuff like that but thanks Dean I should have listened to you and got off my arse and got a camber kit lol

I talked to Blair it was his suspension and he said had the same problem but he was always buying new tyre's due to burnout's so didn't bother him to much on the wear so maybe been hell low is a factor too

Camber kits are more for the front than rear, although you can get rear kits. I have front & rear aftermarket ones on mine as the factory ones are rubbish.

Being lower than stock height is definitely the cause. Whenever you drop/raise the height of a stock car the angle of the suspension/wheels is changed & thus only partially contacting the road. This means the part making contact will wear quicker than the part not touching obviously.

It's the old saying of 'You play you pay' in this situation I think. Once the camber kit is in & adjusted accordingly you should get atleast double the tyre life you got this time. My alignment is perfect & wear is exceptional for the amount of km's I've done on my 20's. Andy from Tyrepower Mandurah (forum member) is great & wouldn't recommend anyone else when dealing with tyres/allignment :censored:

this dude is sellin 20's just get them and a $90 wheel allignment n they will do for a year and a bit


Them tyres are mine to shred at Motorvation. Picking them up Saturday

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Ute's shouldn't need rear camber kits as they have a live axle rear end!! You can slam the back of them as much as you want and it will never change the camber! Its our damn sedans with IRS which get bad negative camber as the car gets lowered more and more.

Stef you should only need the front camber kit. Having said that, my fronts pretty damn low, and I don't recall Arnie mentioning a camber kit being installed on my car, I've got a feeling they have enough adjustment in them to allow good camber to be set.

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South western. Cops they hang around there a lot.

Today I'm putting 2 new front tyre's on the ute only 5 months old but the rubbing is starting to show what's underneath. I'll be looking at nearly a grand for better tyre's and one's that fit better to.

Can I go complain to where I originally had my rim's done or is it tough cookies??

I had 2 near new 20's for sale. 225x35x20. Fit a 245x30x20 as they are a smaller profile than the 225x35x20 and have a smaller diameter thus helping the alignment problem.

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Ute's shouldn't need rear camber kits as they have a live axle rear end!! You can slam the back of them as much as you want and it will never change the camber! Its our damn sedans with IRS which get bad negative camber as the car gets lowered more and more.

Stef you should only need the front camber kit. Having said that, my fronts pretty damn low, and I don't recall Arnie mentioning a camber kit being installed on my car, I've got a feeling they have enough adjustment in them to allow good camber to be set.

that's correct. The IRS and "squatting" with bulk power is the issue on the sedans. My fronts are perfect without the kit (although many need it) but the rear has no camber/castor adjustment on the XR's from factory...only toe so I have wear issues on the rear only.

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  • T.P.I.S.
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Ute's shouldn't need rear camber kits as they have a live axle rear end!! You can slam the back of them as much as you want and it will never change the camber! Its our damn sedans with IRS which get bad negative camber as the car gets lowered more and more.

Stef you should only need the front camber kit. Having said that, my fronts pretty damn low, and I don't recall Arnie mentioning a camber kit being installed on my car, I've got a feeling they have enough adjustment in them to allow good camber to be set.

Same here mate. A good wheel aligner will just add a few shims in to adjust the camber a little to suit. The camber kit everyone is paying for is just longer bolts really. The standard bolts should do fine.

They are fine with mine and I have SL kings in the front plus Mikes is even lower. My tyres are wearing fine also.

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  • T.P.I.S.
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I have wear issues on the rear only.

I have wear issues on the rear also. Its the throttle that does it. I am thinking of buying an aftermarket one to rectify it.

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