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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Spotted Mikey at the cott yesterday... U av a good time dude?

Good to see ya anyway.

Outside I Also spotted another white FG F6 ute, but this time it had a hardcover - tinyplums?

Parked up down the road spotted a yellow BA turbo - plates [WOGBOYZ]

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So, who is at work today?? I am.

I'm at "work" today...

Getting paid but not doing anything much except for emailing people telling them jobs are filled etc etc.

I am of course in and out of the house atm & on the phone organising insurance/finding the best loan etc. Went to ANZ this morning and they said no wukkin furries to a loan of my choosing so I phoned the lady who owns the F6 and said "sold". Gunna drop off a few K to her as a deposit & organise the finance/insurance to start from when I get back from my next stint - just after MV weekend !! Still gotta find the best rate though. And I've managed to get quoted full comprehensive insurance in my name for ~$2,100 with JustCar $40k agreed value... It's good but I'm gunna shop around a little more.


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hell yeah man was a wicked day down at the Cott, you have a good one? I'll see ya there next Sunday? hehe

This pretty much sums up the Cott that day


Oh and saw Tocchi driving the phoon in Scabs too

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what a great time to look for a car sens

just bought one mate, but have all the paperwork and sh*t that go with buying private on finance, so I'll be lucky to get it this week (plus with xmas and all)

its driving me nuts!

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Im at work...

Got here at about 11 - pretty heavy arvo at cott so needed a bit of a lay in this morning.

Have just had a bite to eat and not done any work yet.

BTW - May not make it to the drags tonight, feelin a little bit worse for wear and might leave early for home to get some rest!

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I'm at "work" today...

Getting paid but not doing anything much except for emailing people telling them jobs are filled etc etc.

I am of course in and out of the house atm & on the phone organising insurance/finding the best loan etc. Went to ANZ this morning and they said no wukkin furries to a loan of my choosing so I phoned the lady who owns the F6 and said "sold". Gunna drop off a few K to her as a deposit & organise the finance/insurance to start from when I get back from my next stint - just after MV weekend !! Still gotta find the best rate though. And I've managed to get quoted full comprehensive insurance in my name for ~$2,100 with JustCar $40k agreed value... It's good but I'm gunna shop around a little more.


congrats on the buy kael!

is that that neo phoon (I saw it in the quokka)

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Just car seem's a little steep. But when you have a pretty awesome looking car money is no option. Congrats Kael. have you got some pics??

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Well I just got back from Wank Best with good news. Loan app is all done and sent of with a yay/nay to come within 24 hours.... So the next day is gonna suck bum waiting but I can't complain !! After I get the yay (or nay) I'll finalise everything ID wise & go off to Hillaries to get rego papers/drop off deposit and then finalise insurance. I fly out on the 2nd of January for 2 weeks so I'll arrange the $$$ to be paid to the owner on the day I return so I can go straight over and pick her up !!! :huh:

Shaun I'm not sure if it appeared in the Quokka mate, I found it from this ad


Stef that’s it hey but ima try do it on the cheap of course !! Just Car has been the cheapest for full comp as yet by far. Happy birrrfday as well nigor :spoton:

Don't suppose anyone knows someone better/cheaper than Just Car ??

Edited by Kael
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