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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 17y 10m 26d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Hit her up for some details before you come in next :P War stuff is 110% on the cards. How can it not be when its such an important part of Australian history.

Reading a travel article now.... Didnt actually realise its a 3rd world country, yet here I am booked into a $700+/- a night, 5 star resort :( Better take out some decent tavel insurance. Although perhaps the DSLR might genuinely get stolen this trip!!!

"After witnessing everything I had seen in Vietnam – the riverside slums, the myriad billboards warning of the dangers of heroin and AIDS, limbless beggers, the people with their faces half burnt off, - I should at least feel grateful. As someone born in a first world country, I am among the most privileged of humans to have ever walked the face of the earth. Sadly, however, I'm not happy. I stress about achieving, success, finding a fulfilling career, about not being able to visit all of the countries I daydream about.

Those of us in the first world have gone ahead and made a very destructive little planet for ourselves. We are so obsessed with consuming, with having more, with being more. We are never satisfied because someone else is always raising the bar of what 'success', 'happiness' and 'wealth' entail, and of course, no-one wants to be left behind."

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Just save as hard as you can (for as long as you need) and buy the car with cash. Gives you better bargaining power too at the dealers when you flash it around :D

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 17d
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  • Location: Perth, W.A.
me too..

I've already done 15 monutes actual work, should cover it for the rest of the day..

I plan to do 15 minutes actual work throughout the day. Too lazy for now.

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