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Soft hahaha... You been out in Joondalup on a Friday night?

Always goes off, fights galore & I love it lol.

Where abouts you live Mike?

Mystery Mondays for december... Id be interested in having a look if my ute is tuned (if my stuff arrives anytime soon lol).

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shes a lady, enuff said ^_^

Why thank ya MIke!!!

Nah just thought it was easier to call them and say"Hey how come your not on the forum any more?" ..... and now that I've read the rest of the thread, ...... :bopp: Mike u r a naughty boy! consider yourself whooped!!

.... Major bummer on the home front the pool has a mystery leak... Gone from full to no water on the top step since last night...... Not good.....


Dean will be keen for our car to be on at MM just driver issues... Might have to draw straws , although the search for no 2 car is not going well, smaller car we'll get... then mark goes sits in a new FG :aaggl:


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Your not going during a weather friendly season lol.

Earlier this year I went to Barcelona, Ibiza, Mykonos, Santorini, Venice, Rome, Paris, Amsterdam and London.

Im not sure how nice Croatia would be in winter - Iv heard it to be wild for partying, but might be a bit cold. I dunno!

Your gonna have fun wherever you go, just make sure you try all the local foods and do all the fun stuff. Touristy things are cool but theres also a lot to do outside of the 'tourist realm' if you like...

hehe yeah I know about the weather, I can't avoid it, my g/f has a 3 month window from finishing her law degree and starting work, so we're jumpin at the chance to get away. I'm sure it won't be too hard to have fun, everyone I know who's gone over there has come back ravin bout it, so she'll be rite! I'm def down with finding things outside the touristy realm though, with me hating people and all (tourists especially) I'd rather avoid the crowds of tards if at all possible hehe

Matt I will be lookin at some VERY BASIC language stuff, just for piece of mind at least, would feel a little bit safer over there knowing some of the lingo. You could get away with learning a couple of phrases I reckon, it'd be a larf hearin me try to speak french or german haha. Muh girlf is portugese so we'll be right in SOME places...and also this trip is also the main reason behind me buyin the 40D, gonna give it a mad workout over there :blink:

I've got a couple of the better pics I've taken with it posted up at Moore Photography. Still tryin to get muh head around it! I gotta get some more shots of the car up there, only got the one :beerchug:

Again, thanks to all you guys for your two cents, helps a lot :beerchug:

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 16d
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Matt I will be lookin at some VERY BASIC language stuff, just for piece of mind at least, would feel a little bit safer over there knowing some of the lingo. You could get away with learning a couple of phrases I reckon, it'd be a larf hearin me try to speak french or german haha. Muh girlf is portugese so we'll be right in SOME places...and also this trip is also the main reason behind me buyin the 40D, gonna give it a mad workout over there :beerchug:

Cool pics! I reckon German was pretty easy to learn. While im not super fluent (my mrs is due to private school upbringing lol) I could hold a conversation with the locals... Especially in Munich lol. But pleases and thankyous etc you will pick up in a day. Do you have an IPhone? If so, you need not learn lol, It translates sh*t for u haha

Its hard to avoid crowds in places like Rome and Paris because 30million people are doing what you are doing at the same time... Well maybe not 30million haha. It makes you realise that while Perth is a great, safe place to live, we really do miss out on some stuff. I guess plenty of other places in the world like that but. Not to mention the fact that Australia is a new country

Also, theres snow drifting / driving at the nurburgring in winter. That'd be seriously good fun if your that way inclined. I missed out on seeing snow (well other than in Dubai, the dolomites from the plane and the mountains from the top of the glockenspiel at sunset!). Would be cool I reckon

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