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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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I agree mikey, Still it'd make a nice framed print in the garage / pool room / games room / toilet!

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Cheers man, no brakes needed any more hehe

Yeah I'm definitely getting it printed in the largest size and it might even replace the ferrari poster in my room

THIS_IS_SPARTA.gifTHIS_IS_SPARTA.gifTHIS_IS_SPARTA.gif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*edit* Ooh just got emailed an even better photo from a photographer from a ford mag :)


Edited by XF Falcon
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xr6t ego, your mods are very similiar to my planned ones bar the cat plus a walbro pump.....

Interesting to read a page or so back that bluute had to cut stuff to get his to fit. Dont think that'd be an issue from PW. Maybe I should just keep it all as it is planned. Miss out by 1month of the phoon block (but then again the 12K I saved can buy an F6 engine :!D) so I figure it'll be reliable at that level

Speaking of brake shudder, my rotors are seriously warped after weekend run with Kieran and Josh. Already been machined once from ford

Kael, my plates are [XR 61 WA] cause XR69 and XR66 were taken :(

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I actually came across XR 60 WA when I had it in at Wangara ford. From memory it was na XR6 but not sure?

I got followed and at the traffic lights they asked my name and commented that I didnt look like I was born in 61..... Yeh rightio!

Edited by Mat
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I had Xtreme fit up my cooler as I'm a lazy f*ck sometimes and I believe that nothing needs to be cut for the PW cooler to fit. The only down side is that my car horn sounds sh1t and I'm embarrased to toot anyone!

If I didn't have bald tyres I'd be getting a fuel pump and the plazmaman stage 1 pipe work for bling factor and then another tune from Simon. But I thought if I need tyres, I might aswell get rims and if I get rims I need to get it lowered and if I need to do that, I should get the brakes sorted out.... Does it ever end?

Edited by xr6t ego
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Interesting to read a page or so back that bluute had to cut stuff to get his to fit.


there is no major cutting involved two small sections for the intercooler which I believe is pretty much universal for a cooler that size(plaz,rapid,PW)

the other main cutting is a small section out of the lower bumper lip so the pod filter can get tucked in nice and close

easy as my friend take your time and you would'nt even notice it had been done :spoton:

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