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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Being over here in WA with our hot summers I'd recommend getting the biggest cooler you can & make sure it's a proven core like PW, Plaz, Nizpro, Rapid. The stage 1 coolers are great for increasing flow & somewhat improving consistency but a larger cooler will always keep inlet temps down further.

If you want to keep costs down go with the Rapid V2 kit. Big cooler that has shown great power figures over here on numerous cars & is apparently really consistent. If you have money to burn go the Plaz 1000hp cooler or Nizpro's new banger one :crybaby:

Edited by 03XR6T
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  • Member For: 17y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Im poor so I'll keep it to PW or Rapid only. Doesnt get driven alot in summer but reliability has to be an issue of course.

Not going with the High flow series as I want to keep airbox in place etc

But the Rapid Performer V2 is the same as V1 with hot side included from the looks of things. but then its similiar price to PW2

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I'm not sure what's what with the rapid kits but I know there has been good results with the V2 kit :crybaby:

If you're wanting 300ish I'd be considering relocating the battery & getting a new airbox. This will minimise the stress on the car to produce a given result...

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dont bother moving the battery. to much hard work.

under battery pipe intake and 5 inch pod in the bumper. I've got a plazmaman one.

mat for your refernce I've got the following.

xtrreme 4 inch dump and cat. nizpro injectros, plazmaman 800 hp kit, with under batter battery pipe standard hot side piping, walbro pump. standard actuator.

made 342 rwkw. car ran 119 mph on old tune with less power.

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Your's is a freak though Matt! Haha

Mine just made 300 with SMB dump/cat, Siemens, Walbro pump & flapper mod on 12psi... Nizpro kit hasn't arrived :angel:

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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Yer I definitely wont bother moving the battery.. Like you say Matt, too much hard work

I dont want to do any actuator mods or anything either. I have the siemens too.

I guess a larger exhaust and better intake will just help it all breathe easily...

Shoulda got an auto...

Kieran, pics sent to your hotmail!

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

I figure Simon will (but im not sure when hes back at work?), I worked with Mike at XFT when I first started my current job so at least I trust him!

Wont be till the end of Novemberish I guess

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