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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Gotta catch me first, and your underpistoned wheezing six will be overheating before the top of the hills :blink::blaah:

O that's cheap...

But I'm a man of business and am willing to negociate... BA front bar (with NO cracks :spit:) in exchange for BF front bar and that little black German convertable from the other week at Xtreme??? :idunno:

EDIT: Awww puppies

Edited by Kael
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  • Member For: 16y 8m
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Sawwy to hear it John that's super crapola. I noticed heeeeeeps of douchebag drivers while I was driving around that area also... specially these arrogant wankers sitting in the left-hand lane.... why don't they just sit in the right-hand lane like everyone else does??

The saddest part is that although it is really his fault the pricks always blame the poor bloke who was behind and did the hitting.

My old boy was following some limp dick through that roundabout on Helena Valley rd near Simon's place on his road bike with a pretty decent gap between him and the guy infront (I was behind him in my car as we were on the way to drop it off to it's new owner). The cilly sunt entered the roundabout (which is in a 70km/h zone heading towards Midland direction) and began to swoop around to turn right into that new estate, but then realised he needed to go straight on so he came to a complete stop in an attempt to perhaps back up to avoid doing a lap of the roundabout.

My old bloke had no chance, nothing he could do, so he locked everything up and laid the bike down at about 50-60km/h resulting in some pretty serious injuries, but he avoided impact with the car which would have been far worse.

Now for the bad part... the police then laid their charges for the incident...

They charged my dad with dangerous/careless driving. The fact that the limp dick VW driving POS escaped charges was absolutely negligent... but charging the victim... who was knocked un-conscious and could have quite possibly died from the other dickhead’s actions, and still can't walk properly today a year later, made me :blink: WAPOL :spit:

So yep it does suck major ballbag that some other stupid fark can cost ya like that ^^ and like what happend to you :(

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 15d
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Cute puppy dude! Pets are my job (nagn occasionally brings his to my work every so often) so I know how much they mean to people! Better Pets and Gardens for all your doggy needs. FREE PLUG haha. Hope your not feeding it chum or Pal but!! Good dog food is like good fuel. BP98 everytime will save you in the long run!

But speaking of work, when a 45kg german sheperd jumps in your car or you hit beach or whatever you get a lot of dog hair or sand in seats / carpet. Usually I carry a "fluff buster" lint roller thing wi sell to get rid of what the vaccum wont, but today we got a new one in. Usual salesmen talk so I offer to compare it to my other one. Bit of sand and dog fur in the car from a beach picnic the other night but I tell u what this new one was so much better than the other one I carry (which aint half bad).

Designed for domestic use with dogs (those with dogs or cats will understand) but for cleaning car carpet etc it was sensational! Medium size one would be ok and its about $15 but should last you a few months and can be kept in the seat pockets or something. Pretty handy if your other seats get used! http://www.lintroller.com.au for some more info. Hopefully of course we sell a few hehehe. Not sure who else is doing them but we are the same price as their online one but then you have to pay delivery!

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Dean, remember when me and Nang were clubbin every weekend, Paramount was tops and Viper Lounge(?) and Star Bar were still in full flight and the Church was safe! Maybe its just me but less drop kicks around too

Paramounts just full of Maori's & fights now so try to steer clear. Viper room/lounge is the seediest joint in NB... My opinion of you just dropped way down my friend :stirthepot:

Na only joking I've ended up in there a few times after the pubs/clubs all close shop & I don't feel like home!

Gotta catch me first, and your underpistoned wheezing six will be overheating before the top of the hills :stirthepot::roflmbo:

Coming on the next cruise John? I've got a fairly slow 'underpistoned wheezing six' I wouldn't mind giving you a run with ^_^

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Is it on the corner still? Like many clubs, it closed for a while (keep in mind this was 8 years ago). We used to jump the back fence and go in through the band / groupie section. Dunno why as there werent long lines. Might have cost $5 though hahaha. Wonder when it reopened? Still occasionally go to Mustang which has its moments

Church is now the Libary. Going back 5 years when knives came into the news in a big way they had some full on security measures there. Turned a blind eye to anything but weapons though. Fun times back then. You could get away with a bit more and there seemed less dickheads. Still problems of course but people had more respect. One night I went in there and I reckon I was the only white person and the only person not hitting the E's.

Only once has someone ever started anything so cant complain too much. Was walking out of the gay club* with my 2 mates (who are in a gay relationship but hey its not the 1940's anymore. - Tell u what, being charged entry for liking womens is discrimation. Claiming I was gay didnt work either) when this homophobic lebanese dude king hit me from behind "cause I was gay". 3 cops watched it all and took him into that club and roughed him up a bit lol

*Sadly I saw no evidence of hot lesbians. Apparently they dont really exist in real life :(

On a brighter note, Hippo Creek is almost ready to open at Hillarys! Steaks FTW

Edited by Mat
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  • Cant wait to drive it
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man how much difference does it make! gotta love that turbo whine to 10psi ;)

get the rapid gear on?

mate its friggin awesome cant stop having fun

gotts re-gap my plugz and throw on a 82 degree thrmostat

rapid kit should arrive monaday or tuesday

puppy looks mint

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  • Member For: 17y 8m 14d
Paramounts just full of Maori's & fights now so try to steer clear. Viper room/lounge is the seediest joint in NB... My opinion of you just dropped way down my friend :stirthepot:

Na only joking I've ended up in there a few times after the pubs/clubs all close shop & I don't feel like home!

Coming on the next cruise John? I've got a fairly slow 'underpistoned wheezing six' I wouldn't mind giving you a run with :idunno:

ute goes in Monday for full paint job. 3 weeks they reckon.

Then fit new cams. 4 weeks off rd I reckon.

But I suppose I can bring the slow car instead (the wifes). :beerchug:

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  • Member For: 18y 2m 4d
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  • Location: PERTH WA

G'day all, I was wondering if anybody knows a good place to get your guards rolled without them using a piece of wood and hammer.I've heard that West Coast Wheels in Mandurah do a good job, but doesn't anyone know of any other places closer to Perth?


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