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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Cant wait to drive it
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looks like a neat car dean hope you get the insurance

djkice dont let the fact that ive got those rims put you off ive already seen two other cars with them now so im no longer special only thing I will say is that you wont get 285's on them and they limit you on break choice if you wanna go bigger I didnt realise all that when I ordered them you can only fit 255 at the very biggest

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nice choice dean!

I saw that on carsales and couldn't understand why it was so cheap, its like 8k less than everything else! never seen fever before either, but it looks schmicko.. turn the wick straight up to 370 I guess hey?

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looks like a neat car dean hope you get the insurance

djkice dont let the fact that ive got those rims put you off ive already seen two other cars with them now so im no longer special only thing I will say is that you wont get 285's on them and they limit you on break choice if you wanna go bigger I didnt realise all that when I ordered them you can only fit 255 at the very biggest


285's are never gonna go on a 8" rim unless you want them to bulge over the sides & run the risk of them rolling off the wheel while cornering hard. You need to go 9.5" minimum to get them on comfortably & reap the benefits of such a wide/expensive tyre.

nice choice dean!

I saw that on carsales and couldn't understand why it was so cheap, its like 8k less than everything else! never seen fever before either, but it looks schmicko.. turn the wick straight up to 370 I guess hey?

I wondered the same thing so thought it was worth a look. Felt a bit doughy but I don't know if that's because I'm so used to my car or if it was a poor performer :hmmm: RAC check will be performed before changeover anyway so if there's anything wrong I wont take it.

If I get 370 I'll be pretty happy. 340 odd in a manual is fun but auto with more guts will be mental :w00t2:

Nearly said no because I couldn't find the traction control button on the dash & I couldn't live with TC permanently on... Felt stupid when I was told it was on the ICC as it's the dual zone setup :blush: :blush:

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Sure you can... Finance is your friend :idunno:

Na I know where you're coming from. Mortgage on top of car payments all on a single income is going to put stress on my social life a bit but I can live with that. If not I'll just setup a meth lab in the shed!! :hmmm:

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Yeah I dont think I can fit bigger brakes if I wanted with these rims.

Considering copy dark agents. $700 change over ftw.

Cost wise...


$2600 Kuhmo 225/35 front, 275/30 rear 9.5

$3200 Falken 245/30 front, 285/25 rear 9.5

Edited by djkice
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Dean, here it is. Thought it looked familiar.



congrats on the purchase man, its a pretty unique colour I reckon. Haven't seen one like it yet.

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