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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 17y 11m
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

possibly get those chrome inserts painted black or orange hmmmmm

clears AP Racing brakes which im getting so all good.

Ok AP brakes FTW but those rims are a MASSIVE, MASSIVE fail.

Dean, good luck with the car! Phoon would be killa. I wonder if they are hard to insure? I know I have close to 30 traffic fines (including one at 50kms+ and one a bit more...) so I guess it'd be a costly excersise. Couldnt be as bad as $4800 for my R33.. Hence why I kept it a day!

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 12d
  • Gender: Not Telling
Okay Kael I've got an idea; you can just borrow the car for the next two months until you finish skool and start working ie: so you can then go get a loanskie and pay me back!

Awwww Dean u ledgend FTW!

Okay wot I had in mind was to buy it as is minus your preshious cooler, plenum and zorst. You keep the 19's too and whack on some ba Xr8 18's. I also wouldnt mind a BA FPV front bar instead of the BF bar.

Now howmuchisit??? :spoton:

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 12d
  • Gender: Not Telling

pee emm me a serios price then woman! (as is minus cooler, zorst, plenum and rims)

I will actually go beat up homeless people for their centrelink if it means I get the $$$ I need

EDIT: could I possibly pay with some older chicks? My mates mum; shes late 40's but shes Polish, smoking friggin hot, and SINGLE!

or mayb I could let you have Stef.... ideas ideas

Edited by Kael
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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 11m
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

I think its official now.... Im a mummies boy.

Parents are away for a while, as is my brother so that means its me and my dog with a house to ourselves :)

Had to wash some clothes today and cook dinner. Washing machines are a strange beast when you've never used one before and I'm glad I have a bbq and mum stocked me up with lots of meat :)

Fun times ahead!!

Kael, that's a bit of a wild claim so we'll need pics

Edited by Mat
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