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Haha not having much luck in the wheel department are ya??

For anyone that's interested I just signed the papers on a new beast :spoton:

Should have it by the weekend they reckon but wont hold my breath. It's subject to me getting insurance as well which is a bit of a bugger because I have a shocking record & just cars were the only one's that would look at me last time. I had 2 less convictions then & it was a $4100 premium :beerchug:

Here she is...


What do you's think of the price? Not too shabby I reckon, that's why I couldn't walk away!!

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Haha not having much luck in the wheel department are ya??

For anyone that's interested I just signed the papers on a new beast :w00t2:

Should have it by the weekend they reckon but wont hold my breath. It's subject to me getting insurance as well which is a bit of a bugger because I have a shocking record & just cars were the only one's that would look at me last time. I had 2 less convictions then & it was a $4100 premium :crybaby:

Here she is...


What do you's think of the price? Not too shabby I reckon, that's why I couldn't walk away!!

that's a link to a search...


FEVER 6 SPEED AUTO 270KW 4dr Sedan Semi-Automatic 6cyl 4.0L

Im guessing its that? if so noice

Edited by djkice
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Haha not having much luck in the wheel department are ya??

For anyone that's interested I just signed the papers on a new beast :w00t2:

Should have it by the weekend they reckon but wont hold my breath. It's subject to me getting insurance as well which is a bit of a bugger because I have a shocking record & just cars were the only one's that would look at me last time. I had 2 less convictions then & it was a $4100 premium :crybaby:

Here she is...


What do you's think of the price? Not too shabby I reckon, that's why I couldn't walk away!!

link doesnt show anything

what is it?

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Yeah it's the Phoon. How much was it on Ebay for?

Got a few people interested in the car as is at the moment minus plenum/cooler kit & exhaust so I'll have to see what happens. If it doesn't go with the car Andrew (IEATV8S) has first call on it as I promised him about 12 months ago! You're second though & a likely possibility as he's over in NSW now :crybaby:

Edited by 03XR6T
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Fark yeah good price for an 08'... shes got the bigger brakes??

Do ya prefer the Rspec look 19's?? Im more into the graphite 5 spokes personally...

Good job with the ZF too!.... now I just hope mu bruuu comes to his sences and buys your old T...

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Tell him to make it snappy cause I don't have room for 2 of them... Or the bank balance! Lol

Just got the 4 pot Brembos but still plenty good enough for street use. I quite like the wheels but it definitely needs to be dropped an inch or two!

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Madness.... yeah will definetely look the goods dropped. Can't believe that some poor sucker paid over $60K plus on roads just earlier this year (I assume it's one owner, not demo??)

If he dosent call you just assume somethings gone wrong and he can't get it for wateva reason... sell the mofo... it's his own stupid fault if he misses out

BF F6 :crybaby:

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