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hahaha! Im sure the new Evo is a big improvement on handling and speed but from the rear (and that's all people will generally see on the street and track) its easily the worst looking car I've ever seen.

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  • 12" member
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anyone know a good place to get an xbox 360 fixed ??? it just doesnt turn on anymore - the power brick still has the orange light and ive tried a couple of different bricks but yeh just does not turn on no matter what I do..

pulled the face off and checked the power button contacts but still nowt !!!!

f*cken POS !!!!!!!!!

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Thanks ok I forgive you, except the fact that you called me a nut..

Maloo? the ve or z y? I almost bought a 317 clubsport but I fell inlove with this, besides I have more money to throw at my car rather than have got the clubby and kept it rock stock

Well I think it was a fair call. The ve for sure kice

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  • 12" member
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  • Location: Perth WA

f*ck im over this sh*te, someone shooot me before I go insane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what sort of operations manager agrees to resell software and provide 1st level support for said software without any testing of the product or consultation with the software engineers who will be configuring and providing support for the actual farken thing as well !!!!

as it turns out of course it's a POS that hardly works and we basically have to reverse engineer the bastard to figure out HowTF its sposed to work etc as the tosser has sold it to about 30-40 clients who 99% of which are having problems with it..

the whole time the op manager is just sitting back watching his nest egg grow while we try and find firearms to take him out with!!

anyone got a job, I dont care what it is but ive had enough of this dump !!! Im quite convincing in my "vell hullo there, Ive come to clean zee pool" type roles and can grow a pornstar mo in a few days ??????

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Thanks mate.. Compare me to a volvo driver come here and say that haha

My next car will be the maloo ute thay are hot

Hey hey hey... Get your own idea for your next car :unsure:

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  • Cant wait to drive it
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Well I think it was a fair call. The ve for sure kice

yeh im a big ford fan but those new maloos look the ducks nutz, the leopards spots, the cats pajamas, the cats meyow, the... the.. well that's all I got

but I do like em

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  • 12" member
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 5d
  • Location: Perth WA

I like the new malloo utes but I cant stand the fake tail lights over the tail gate !!!!!! the ones that are just a sticker !!!!!!!!!! for a billion bucks they could slot some lights in there somehow haha

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