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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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DO NOT fit slotted rotors.

they squeal more then this guy

*disclaimer. this is sort of not work safe. although if your at work at surfing the net and get caught then you should get sacked anyway regardless of the content your looking at.

HAHAHA tooo true, I had slotted's on my old car and were fine but these new ones on ute are bullsh*t noisy.

yes that was my car there, stalker !

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Nice work with the paint man, I did the same thing with my old commodore, took the wheels off sanded the crap off the exterior of it (all rust ) then gave it a 200 Degree heastshield spray, undercoated it in some nice sunproof self priming paint and finished it with a shiny blue gloss, but with myne I just did the whole lot one colour hehe lazy much or what?. Anyway being a painter helps though eh? change when ever you want hehe



This what the car was....


Btw ignore the stickers and badges lol,I WAS clue-less about stuff back then haha

I so cant belive I wasted that much money on it... what the hell was I bloody thinking? Guys try not to flame me... :unsure:

But yeh gonna do samething on my ute but in red (With the brake parts etc) when I get sometime, Just bough a new house and been at work from like 7am to 5pm then from 5:30 till 11:30pm at the new house painting that :crybaby:

Edited by RATED X
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Came across this on antilag tonight.. Sobering reading indeed and makes you think twice about choosing your time and place to be a hoon...


First few pages are pretty low key but then you read the victims statement on page 12. Anyones who's had to write or read a victim statement like this will tell you its not nice.

"It's about highlighting how fine the line is between enjoying driving on the road and ruining someone's life"- So very true.

Edited by Mat
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OK now for a change of topic but somehow I got "Antivirus XP 2008" installed on my PC just then. Its clearly spyware and no matter what I do, I cant remove it.... Tried to uninstall it and when I do a google "how to" search it wont open any websites.. Also a blue warning as my background..

Im sure I should just format this stupid POS computer

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either way, give this a shot. apparently it works. it sounds like a real nasty virus by the way!!!

Method one

1. Directory list C:\WINDOWS\system32 and sort by date to look for files created since the infection began. In my case there were three suspicious ones:-




Notice that part of the name is common to all of them (cv76j0e76a). Delete these files.

2. Run msconfig and go to the startup tab and untick the startup for the .exe file (in my case lphcv76j0e76a.exe)

3. Restart your computer.

4. You may need to check/change wallpaper in Control Panel Display settings.

5. Restart your computer again.

6. Job done!

Method two (very similar)

Rhonda, this ‘virus’ showed up on my PC today 3/2/08 and it was obviously not something
wanted on my PC. To get rid of it
typed ‘regedit’ at the run command, then opened ‘hkey current user, software and deleted ‘xpantivirus’. Then typed msconfig at the run command. Went to startup and unchecked ‘xpa’. Then went to C:\program files and found xpantivirus and deleted it. This took care of it for me. Give this a try.

Method three

Manual XP Antivirus 2008 Removal Instructions:

Unregister XP Antivirus 2008 DLL Files:

(Learn how to do this)

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\MFC71.dll


%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\msvcp71.dll

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\msvcr71.dll

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\shlwapi.dll

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\wininet.dll

Stop XP Antivirus 2008 Processes:

(Learn how to do this)






Find and Delete these XP Antivirus 2008:

(Learn how to do this)







Uninstall XPAntivirus.lnk

XPAntivirus on the Web.lnk

XP Antivirus 2008.lnk

Uninstall XP Antivirus 2008.lnk

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\MFC71.dll


%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\msvcp71.dll

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\msvcr71.dll

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\shlwapi.dll

%ProgramFiles%\[RANDOM NAME]\wininet.dll






%common_desktopdirectory%\antivirus xp 2008.lnk

%common_programs%\antivirus xp 2008.lnk

%common_programs%\antivirus xp 2008\antivirus xp 2008.lnk

%common_programs%\antivirus xp 2008\how to register antivirus xp 2008.lnk

%common_programs%\antivirus xp 2008\license agreement.lnk

%common_programs%\antivirus xp 2008\register antivirus xp 2008.lnk

%common_programs%\antivirus xp 2008\uninstall.lnk

%profile%\application data\microsoft\internet explorer\quick launch\antivirus xp 2008.lnk














Remove XP Antivirus 2008 Registry Values:

(Learn how to do this)

HKEY_USERS\Software\XP antivirus

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run smrhc7nsj0e57c


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\rhc7nsj0e57c displayname

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\uninstall\rhc7nsj0e57c uninstallstring


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c advid

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c automaticallyupdates

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c backgroundscan

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c backgroundscantimeout

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c databaseversion

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c daysinterval

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c domain

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c engineversion

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c guiversion

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c installdir

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c minimizeonstart

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c programversion

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c proxyname

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c proxyport

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c registrationdiscurl

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run smrhc7nsj0e57c

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c registrationurl

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c scandepth

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c scanpriority

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c scansystemonstartup

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\rhc7nsj0e57c softid

Edited by XF Falcon
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  • Member For: 17y 10m 19d
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Thanks Mike. All looks pretty technical to me but im running vista and shall give the first one a crack after work tonight!

It keeps making my machine restart!

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  • Member For: 17y 4m 1d
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  • Location: Perth, Forrestfield

My car is now back on the road good as new


New RDA slotted rotors

EBC green stuff pads

New 275's on the rears

Took off those black loops on the tray and fitted/painted the plugs

and sunroof

car is sooo good to drive now, no more shakes im loving it !! :)

just neeeds a good polish n wax now


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