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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Not Enough :thumbsup::nod:

I think it would be enough to keep up with your barge mister I lack in the torque department hehehe :stirthepot:

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I think the ute has enough torque!!

also mat, im keen for either one! a spot with good photo ops is a good idea as people will need classy shots for the motorvation entries.

let me know when you want a new topic!

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  • Team Velocity
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Did anyone go to the Foo Fighters concert at the dome last night ?

MY mate and I drove up for it and stayed at the intercontintel.

The Fooies rocked, it was without a dought the best concert ive been too.


Edited by velociTy
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  • Silver Donating Members
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Did anyone go to the Foo Fighters concert at the dome last night ?

MY mate and I drove up for it and stayed at the intercontintel.

The Fooies rocked, it was without a dought the best concert ive been too.


My mate was devestated about the acoustics :spoton:

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  • Member For: 17y 13d
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So why did you get balloted off the Jury? Did ya rock up to court drunk, or in your birthday suit or somethin?

They choose only need 12 jurors to decide the final verdict, but they choose 14 to allow for a couple being unable to come in (being sick or whatever). But when it comes time to decide they draw numbers out of a box to decide which 2 are leaving.

Im a little pissed off cos I spent 5 days in there hearing all that crap for nothing!

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Thanks for the welcome guys. :spoton:

John... Yeah it is less than yours but its also lighter and only a 6. :w00t2:

I will put all the details and pics up in my thread tomorrow, it's in the Ute section.

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  • Member For: 17y 13d
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  • Location: Byford, W.A.
So any gossip on the case, or your sworn to secrecy? :P

Nah I do believe I am allowed to talk on the case now, it was only so as my mind didnt become polluted with other peoples opinions :spoton:

The case was one on indecent dealings where a 35 year old man in a defacto relationship had done things of a sexual nature to his missus' middle daughter on many occasions, and on one occasion with her eldest son.

There were 11 charges, 9 which the girl claimed had happened, and 2 which the boy claimed had happened. One of those was a sexual penetration charge, which I believe steff would refer to as "smokin' the pole".

But yeah it was pretty crap cos there was no evidence as all the alleged activities occured in a period between 1997 and 2004. It was pretty much his word against the kids, nobody else witnessed the activity, it was always him and one of the kids alone and never more than one.

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