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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 22y 2m 13d
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  • Location: Perth, WA


I'm going - Can't wait :laughing:

No car for me though, so either my wife or a Taxi :spoton:

By the way, I'm a member of WASCC so if anyone will give me a lift, I should be able to get you into the members car park.

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 22y 2m 13d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, WA
what day u going al  :tease:

Hey Simon,

I'm hardcore, so I'll go Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, and fairly early as well if possible :spoton:

Gotta take in the V8's - love it :spoton:

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Kewl good luck with it. Hows the Exede working out for you? Hope you manage to run a quicker time than before with out any drama's. Did you sort out your rear wheel steering issues.? My ute has started to do it, Simons got some bit and pieces to sort it out. I just have to get around to fitting them... :tease:

xede is only a stop-gap for any minor tweaks which any of my tunes might need. If I change a component, I won't have to go to the original tuner and bother them for a tweak.

It also has a few aux triggers which may be handy, intercooler water spray etc..

looking forward to twin maps too..

The wogs map with leaky manifild went 12.80 with a hot, humid evening, so it should be good down the drags..

In the rain lately, you appreciate a map which doesn't hit as hard early on but still has higher rpm grunt too, swings and roundabouts.

The xede has a basic logger inbuilt, so I can do some minor adjustments with a bit of insight as to what's going on.

no rear end issues to speak of, I assume you're getting tramp rods and bushings??

As for times, it's different now, as with no wheelspin my mph has dropped.. I'm more in-line with auto mph for the rwkw I have.

Hopefully it all comes together..

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  • Colossal Member
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I got a friggin parking fine in Subiaco last week, and I remember I think it was XR8Owner saying they didnt have to be paid cos it's a private company... whats the go there? It says if I dont pay $60 within 10 days of the offence they will place my car in an immobilisation notice and may clamp my car in future, and it may go to court to collect the funds.

I know it was my fault for forgetting to get a ticket (my mind was elsewhere) but there's no traffic act stated on the ticket. All it says is "Wilson Parking has issued you with a claim for Liquidated Damages for the cost of enforcing its contractual rights. These damages are payable pursuant to the contract you entered into upon parking at this car park in accordance with the Parking Terms displayed at this car park"

Whats the go?

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I'm going - Can't wait :spoton:

No car for me though, so either my wife or a Taxi :msm:

By the way, I'm a member of WASCC so if anyone will give me a lift, I should be able to get you into the members car park.

I'll give you a yell if I'm driving. I think youngy will be back so I'll see if he's still going. Cheers!

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 22y 2m 13d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Perth, WA
ok well I prettyt much well have to go all day for the 3 days, so ill be able to take 2 passengers....... Let me know  :blink:


If I could get a lift I would really appreciate it :spoton:

Let me know when you want to go

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