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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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On 5/9/2006 at 2:03 AM, XR8owner said:

Hey Steve,

From what I remember, on the bottom of the reverse side of the parking fine, the statement goes "Wilson do not have any power to enforce this fine blah blah blah"

I think that's the way it went, it's been a bit of time since I've been there...

liquidated damages ,is really the $2 per hour they might have lost if someone was in that bay that may have paid for a ticket .let alone that all other bays may have been empty . so maybe clamping a wheel maybe a tresspass criminal charge against wilson...that you could also press in a damages claim against them ....an unlocked carpark for road code 1999 /2000 regs , purposes is really a road . can get a speeding fine  effectively , but also its not a "declared road "under main roads laws for a legal speed limit .so GREY, (2 signs draws a line ,2 lines make a speed zone ), 3 signs does not a speed zone make,,,like the single 50 sign under parliament house perth . so its 80 to the lights fellers.then hay is 50 ,,,,,,..

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