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^ did the same to mine (minus the polish)...now there's bugs over the front after punting it around the track.

The back of my car is covered in rubber

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Is most of the time taken up by taking the timing cover off and accessing the springs and then putting it together? Or is that the easy part?

The most time consuming part is removing the collets and reinstalling them. They either fall in first time or take 10mins ea. Make sure you use some quality rag to cover the oil drain holes in the head so none escape.

I'd strongly suggest you get a 1/4 drive battery powered impact driver to remove and install the tool retainer bolts and a rechargeable rattle gun or ratchet to run the press tool bolts down. Saves bulk time. Don't use a heavy air powered gun or you'll mash out the tool.

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Lol, just came on here to post that as well.

Thanks guys!

I might try and contact them tomorrow to see what they're looking at for the good condition one.

Failing that, anyone on here want to swap for my sports bar and cover plus some cash my way ? Could be a way to go also perhaps.

Edit: already gone, the ad's been taken down already!

Fk must've been just in the past 2 hours.

Edited by m1rkz
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I might try and contact them tomorrow to see what they're looking at for the good condition one.

Failing that, anyone on here want to swap for my sports bar and cover plus some cash my way ? Could be a way to go also perhaps.

Edit: already gone, the ad's been taken down already!

Fk must've been just in the past 2 hours.

Ute covers: I've been looking for a good condition AU/BA/BF tonneau cover for months. Very scarce.

FG ones turn up on Gumtree semi regularly.

They sell fast. Very, very fast. Gotta be real quick.

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Just FYI Mirkz, a genuine, no sports bar tonneau cover cost me about $400 when I bought my ute.

Came with the two steel cross bars and the plastic bizzos they slide into.

I got some discount becuase I was buying a new ute, but gives you an idea what a new one costs.

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Just FYI Mirkz, a genuine, no sports bar tonneau cover cost me about $400 when I bought my ute.

Came with the two steel cross bars and the plastic bizzos they slide into.

I got some discount becuase I was buying a new ute, but gives you an idea what a new one costs.

Damn, that's expensive.

Tuff Tonneaus sell a BA/BF one for $165 on their web site, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't include the two cross bars ($30/pair).

They don't list one for an FG though.


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Tuff Tonneaus have FG ones for $550 it seems. Still pricey.

I saw a few soft ones (back when I was only playing with the idea), on Gumtree for only 1-200ish.

I could possibly put it up on gumtree that I'll trade my FPV logo one plus sports bar for a flat soft top + maybe $100 my way.

Figure the sports bars etc would usually come at a higher price.
The cover itself has no actual damage, but it looks like it may have been rubbed up together at some point before I've had it because some of the white from the logo has come away slightly and there's sections of the black that have minor white marks on it which I assume is from the logo. Probably when Ford had it tucked away for storage I'm guessing.

I've already got cross bars (I assume they would be the same given mine's a soft top, just designed for sport bar use), so the plastic supports and bars aren't needed.

Edited by m1rkz
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Its back up m1rkz!!! $80 for both with crossbars?


Edited by PTR_NITRO_FG
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