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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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For anyone thinking of helping Knackers out, the Final Drive workshop is in O'Connor, not far from the south at/stock road intersection.

Easy to find.

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Hey guys, Sorry to jump in on the topic at hand but I'm in need of a bit of help from a Local Perth member.

I'm attempting to get a tail shaft made by Phil at Final Drive and we've hit a speed bump - He needs to measure my tail shaft to ensure he manufactures the new one spot on.

The issue - I live in Adelaide.

So if anyone with a 2009 FG F6 MANUAL is in WA and wants a free carton - can you get back to me either on here or email - adamonline AT adam DOT com DOT au

That would be really appreciated. All Phil needs to do is measure it - so up on a hoist for a few minutes and that's it.

It would also be preferable if someone with the same car AND a 4" nizpro system was handy - as I'm paranoid about clearance issues.

Thanks guys, I appreciate it.

(I'll be in Perth April 20th-23rd for work)

Marco, your car (or even mumba too, Chris) would pretty much fit the bill on this?

Edited by .Stripes.
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With factory option flaming Ford logo windscreen banner If I'm seeing things correctly!

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Yeah, RDA's. keen to see ho they hold up. if they dont ill get the T3's 4000, but for half the money im willing to give the RDA's a go. EBC reds.

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I have already been in contact with knackers via email.

I have also contacted Phill at final drive.

However I find that he is being a cock about the whole f*cken thing. *beep*.

The only time I can make it out there would be on a Saturday morning.

I called him this morning at 9am as I was not sure what time they opened or if they would be open.

I was willing to go there today. When I spoke to him and said I could leave then, his reply:

Don't bother bro, I won't be here by the time you get here. I want to go fishing.

Like WTF dickhead. I am trying to help you out and you literally telling me to f*ck off?

I thought to myself, okay well let's be civilised and get this done next week.

I said to him how about if I come next Saturday at say 8am, nice and early for you(since he opens at 7am).

His response was call me on Friday to see If will be in on Saturday as I want to go fishing.

f*ck it as he is making this to hard. He needs half an hour to measure up and I have two kids to look after. I can't do much more that that.

I actually had thought about speaking to him about getting a beefed up shaft for my car, but he just lost a customer. Asshole.

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