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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • To Loud
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Aaron, aren't those fixed cameras on the freeway rear facing cameras? I am pretty sure that they are. For you to pickup if they are on or off, you would need a car in front of you. If I didn't know you better, I would say that the way you drive, you would stand having someone infront of you. Or do you have three radar detectors to cover the front' rear and the roof?


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  • Dropping a turd
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The detector picks up rear mounted cameras as it has a rear facing detector. Obviously its to late that time , but I mark it for next time.

And whats wrong with my driving. I am a tip top driver.

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  • To Loud
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Nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with your driving. There may be one jealous driver here, but I wont mention names though.

That being said, I forgot about the rear facing sensor on the radar detectors. I think it time to dig up my rx65. It has been in the pile somewhere for close to 3 years.

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how close?

How close does the detector pick it up when rear facing? Milliseconds before the white or red flash if speeding of course. As mentioned before I use a Stinger DSI, 3 radar head's on the front and 2 on the back at the moment. Currently I have the jamming set to 9 seconds, adjustable from 3 to 9. Front picture doesn't show the 3rd square head that I've put in the middle of the grill under the FPV badge.

As a test I set cruise for the Roe hwy rear facer that happen to have a camera in at the time on 107kph (GPS Speed) 109kph speedo and no flash and no fine. All up cost thus far being $2500 but that's with a 2nd hand unit and new laser heads and analyzer box front and rear.



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How close does the detector pick it up when rear facing? Milliseconds before the white or red flash if speeding of course. As mentioned before I use a Stinger DSI, 3 radar head's on the front and 2 on the back at the moment. Currently I have the jamming set to 9 seconds, adjustable from 3 to 9. Front picture doesn't show the 3rd square head that I've put in the middle of the grill under the FPV badge.

As a test I set cruise for the Roe hwy rear facer that happen to have a camera in at the time on 107kph (GPS Speed) 109kph speedo and no flash and no fine. All up cost thus far being $2500 but that's with a 2nd hand unit and new laser heads and analyzer box front and rear.

Nice setup there!

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Nothing, absolutely nothing wrong with your driving. There may be one jealous driver here, but I wont mention names though.

That being said, I forgot about the rear facing sensor on the radar detectors. I think it time to dig up my rx65. It has been in the pile somewhere for close to 3 years.

how close?

Swing and a miss

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Ain't this some fuggin bs! Worst way to start the weekend lol

Is there any point fighting this? Or is it a case of you're wasting your time cause its police employee vs. my words :/

I remember years ago people would say the cameras are sometimes out by 1 or 2km/h...but not sure if that was just a rumour? Or does anyone know if they already adjust the printed number and therefore their official pic will actually have me going 111 or 112 hm/h ...

Kinda bs cause double demerits...but at least the fine cost isn't doubled lol it was bound to happen soon enough; but still 1km/h costs me an extra 2 points ... FML

At least I still have half a licence left :P

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