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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Masda me and Tug have been dabbling in making bf vids, wasnt an awesome round by any means but we made a quick montage yesterday if you had time check it out (like 3mins long)

NERDS! :P hahaha

I wish I was good at those games....I always die and get pissed off and have to try and not throw my controller at a wall lol

*removed link cause I'm stupid

Edited by PTR_NITRO_FG
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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haha was an average at best round but 1 we both had recorded so we just messed around the snipped out alot of the boring bits to make a quick little vid

Editing actually takes friggin hours - but that's probably because we have no idea what were doing. Thing's will get better from here though :)

Here's to a future in youtubing, would be nice if we actually hit it or 1 of our vids eventually go viral and I can actually play Battlefield for a living gaining money through views and ad revenue... ahh 1 can dream

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  • To Loud
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That is a good point Tim, but it happened to me at 20km/h in second gear going around a round about as well.

I think Peter is right in saying that it may have something to do with the treadwear ratings.

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lol....I like to do 45+ in the dry hahah....goodyears on the front like to grip ;)

but I think I corrected myself to state in the wet its more like 30-35kmph and even then you still get tailgaters up your ass with their bloody FWD high speed manoeuvrability

Maybe I should just change my driving pattern, but I still rekon I'm going 'slow' in the wet @ 30kmph turns....

also Marco...wtf 20kmph and sliding??...

I PM Mark@ tyretrader and he rekons that UTQG is sometimes f*cked and not to really rely on it so much....but that's just confused me no end as that has been the major factor in my eyes for choosing 'grippy tyres'...but I am a noob so IDK, I will just choose something that the suppliers are fairly unanimous on and give that a crack... (I PM'd 3 different companies and Mark was the first to respond). I may be considering Kumho KU31's again (used to use them all the time on my last cars but none have had anywhere near the same power/torque that these FG's have...so I wasn't sure how good they would be), but he suggests they are slightly better than the invos...but I guess time will tell what my budget will actually choose lol goddam choices

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I use KU31's with great success! Even manage OK in the wet on my high 11's car.

Probably going to put Invos front, KU31 rear as I love to smash corners which I've found the Invos are great for on my car, but drive lots of kms (227,000 rolled past the other day) so I need higher treadwear tyres on rear to save money.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I told tyrepower to give me the cheapest 19x245 they had - turned out they aint too bad for 160 squiddies each

If I sling the boat around round abouts or corners I probably deserve to crash, so I just grab straights with a light 3rd to 4th change - booting it in 2nd aint gonna do the tyres any favors, unless smoke/lines is wat you're after.

Still have a ton of tread on em and have been running 400+ since september/october last year as a daily

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Yeah these cheap and nasty things that came with the rims are OK in the dry I must admit. As I've said before though...get a bit of water on the road and they are FARRRKED. I'd be sliding around the RABs at 20kmh as well in my work gear filled car. Cannot wait to replace them on fronts at the very least. Was actually concerned I would slide out taking off uphill in Freo the other day!

KU31s I have found to be cheap in my old 235/45/17 size from KMart Tyre N Auto in Midland. Yet to price up some 18's for the new rims though. Fingers crossed! Probably go 245s as well.

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