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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Was 2 of them, baggy clothes half discolored skin smacking master bedroom windows and booting my front door, I had to sling some clothes on cause I sleep in the nud and I checked the window to see em both talking about how to get in and I slung the alarm on and called 000, cops took 15mins that includes getting lost in my new estate.

wont be hitting the hay tonight by the looks of it

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My mrs car got broken into Wednesday night. They stole our f*cking nappy bag, nothing of value in it at all. Enjoy it you scabby *beep*

Annoying thing though is that the window cost 450 bucks to get repaired - side windows not free under our insurance and it wasn't worh the excess/premium increase

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does anyone no if you can get aftermarket waterpump and power steering pulleys that arent plastic or will I need to get some made.

These are just the idler and tensioner. Not sure on the others. These are the ones known to fail.


Edited by arronm
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Yeah these ones always fail, the bearings get real noisy! But I was after the water pump and power steering ones as they can also fail, the centres tend to come out. They are a press fit. Looking into getting some aluminium ones made up.


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Glad you and your family are unharmed at least turboboink... also glad they didn't get the car.

That sucks Lennox...and I thought I had bad luck getting a scratch on the skirt of the car this weekend while away with the missus on our anniversary...could be much worse than 8 inches of touch up paint.

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some wear and tear from the weekend. Was pretty happy with the Nittos, but the rears (Yokohamas) not so... Biggest thing was the Brembos, never felt any difference in pedal pressure all day.

and I know a lot of people arnt happy with the standard cooler (xr6 or F6) but was pretty impressed with the difference in temperature between hot and cold side



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^^^what do the pictures indicate? is that from cornering fast and are you running 245's all round? also what power have you got ATM? I have a f6 cooler and looking at low 300's rwkw max (one day)...

Also on a side note, has anybody used Goodyear Eagle F1 GS-D3 on the rear? (275/35/18 if it matters)... I have the F1 Directional 5 on the front and am pretty happy with grip, etc .....just the rear is pretty terrible with cornering in the wet (Falken PT-722), thing slides out even doing 30-40kmph in a roundabout....or is that a normal thing to happen on these cars? lol

Falkens have a 440 treadwear and I think lower treadwear means more grip? (but I'm sure there's other factors that dictate grip in the wet like compound of material and what not). I just want to feel safe (or even just safer) in the wet and I'm talking 2000-3000rpm max in said conditions...or is the only way to feel safe by buying super expensive tyres?

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LOL .... yeah but I'm talking NO THROTTLE....I.e. turning right at a small/medium roundabout....back end just slides and I look like an A hole trying to show off my drifts...more like body roll and retarded look on my face :P

surely my tyres would have something to do with it...or is this the norm in heavy RWD cars, and I should not even bother changing rear tyres?

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