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Yeahhhh I initially would have thought so, but they've grown on me. I think the black stripes on white sets it off.

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  • Will do skids for food
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I did that kpm thing on my turbo.

Cost about an extra 1500 to get the warranty over what you'd pay anyone else, which, over three years is not a lot for peace of mind.

But they did the tune by email because Pro Auto didn't have the ability to tune it live at the time.

So they'd run it up on the dyno, email the result to Radelaide, then KPM would email a tune back, then they'd run it it again and repeat.

The result was 355rwhp on the Pro Auto dyno but it pinged its head off when I got into it that night.

Took it back and they pulled some timing.

Months later, went to XFT and they got 321rwhp out of it, so I got Simon to do a proper tune which I should have just done the first time.

Kpm warranty is gone but at least it went like it should.

So yeah, nah, I'm not a fan.

This relates to the turbo 6 in early 2012, may be different now and for V8's.

Also note I read the warranty t and c's and you can NOT do any motorsport and retain the kpm warranty.

So, no drags.

Actually, I adjust my comments above.

I shoulda went to Monsta Torque the first time.

Edit: I will add that Pro Auto give great service, but I think I'd leave them to commodores.

Edited by Boganspeed
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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Hmmmm, that's interesting. I was going to ask if anyone had any experience with Pro Auto...concerning...

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  • Will do skids for food
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If you had a hsv or ss, I'd say go for it.

I liked dealing with them but I have better things to do with my time than drop off and pick up cars that should have been right the first time.

Dave from KPM sounds really knowledgable and is a good communicator. But if id known the tune would be done by email, I wouldn't have done it.

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Yeahhhh, I wouldn't be comfortable with that at all. Hmmmm, maybe I'll just leave it for a while then...I'd hate for my engine to go pop and Ford not cover it all because of a tune...

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Have you been converted or something Marco haha? You've always been a MT man???

Edited by dowen
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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Abo *beep* just tried to break into my house, smashed the alarm on and sent em packing - its Australia so we cant chase em and besides by the time I set the alarm of and checked the windows they did a runner, called the cops and theyre doing some checks outside and around the street but its apparently theyve see my car and were more than likely after that to chop it

I f*cking hate these scummy half cast coons, the cops said if they ever put anything on my property in danger or manage to break in I can use any means neccasary to defend my self and house, they dont think to highly of our native niggers that's for sure

Sorry if this comes across as offensive but I'm runnin high on adrenaline

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