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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • To Loud
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Nah mate, never went down with the xr6t. Have no interest in going down to the motorplex. I know that if I do go, murphy's law will dictate that something will break and I will have to get towed home.

I went down to the motorplex back in the day with my cbr954 and did a pb of 11.04s.

My wife works on wednesday and fridays, which rules out any chance of making WAW.

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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I was wondering what Steve was on about until I read the above post lol.IF Dowen was doing 11 sec passes, imagine what my car would be doing now, especially after the tune.;)

I wish my car could do 11's :-( or at least stop costing me money for now...that would be fine too!

Edited by dowen
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  • To Loud
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Well give us an update now that you have spent some coinage on the car.

How is that Clutch going mofo? still running it in or have you kicked it a few times already?

How does it feel?

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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You blokes can stick your manuals and your diff blowouts up your arse.


Edited by turboboink
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Have to run it in for 600-800kms Tim reckoned. Feels good, initially felt heavy but I'd say that's more because my old clutch had gone light and the release point is much closer to the floor with this clutch. Easy to live with and has plenty of bite. No clutch kicks yet.

Turns out that clunk when you put it into gear is still there, Tim reckons it's coming from the actual diff, says it's play where the halfshafts fit up. It only started doing that after I'd done some burnouts after having the truetrac fitted...It does still have the run-in oil still in it though, so Tim is suggesting we might try putting in some Redline Shockproof heavy gear oil to see if it makes it any quieter...

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  • All stock bar the k&n panel filter
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Haha I knew that was coming from you Luke! You were right. I find it interesting that after I had the diff rebuilt with the truetrac it was quiet, but then started doing it after I'd done a few burnouts (on private property, of course)...could I have f#cked something in the diff by being too hard on it too early? Or possibly just the crappy oil they used for the run-in period...which is still in there?

After having a good chat with Tim Slako about it I ended up sticking with the option 3+ in the end. As you said, both are great clutches and Tim was convinced the option 5 would be overkill for my application, as well as needing a couple weeks or so to have one built. Plus I'm going snowboarding in Japan in 2 weeks, so the extra money will help with that.

Edited by dowen
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Dollar to Doughnuts in a lowered manual car axle CV's would be my first point of call for drive line clunk.

LH inner specifically. It on the pointy end of the shortest axle so copes the biggest alignment change when lowering the car.

IMHO order to chance down the clunk

LH Inner CV

RH Inner CV

LH Outer CV

RH Outer Cv

Diff input CV

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Tim did the Truetrac and the 1400hp shafts in my sedan also. I have has the thud into gear from day dot with the new diff also and it won't be burnout related. He told me he put redline 140 weight in straight up and never mentioned a run in oil

I'm heading to Hakuba on the 16th Feb and then Niseko a week after that....what's your travel plans Dowen?

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