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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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So just took off from the lights in a rather spirited fashion. First gear was fine, arse end slid about a bit. When I snapped it into second and the revs continued to climb but the car stopped accelerating. This was followed by a lovely smell of burnt clutch :(

The car is only 6000ks old! Clutch seems to be working fine now.

Is it normal to be slipping after so few ks?

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did the clutch pedal come back when you took your foot off?
I have launched on two occasions and had the clutch pedal get sucked back to the floor. no idea what causes it, but both were using the 2-step, and riding the clutch off the line.

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  • Will do skids for food
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So I got some BIG axle tramp on Wednesday night at the motorplex.

Probably banged about 3 or 4 times before I got out of it and cruised the rest of the track.

Car was okay for the rest of the night and seems to drive okay but now it has a constant squeak squeak squeak coming from the left rear.

When I use the brakes, it goes away.

I'm concerned I might have bent an axle slightly so I'll rip the wheels off tomorrow and have a look and see if I can suss it out.

I bought a new set of genuine pads today just in case but I fear this might be a little more serious.

Any tips ? Beside driving around with my foot on the brake.

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Damn sounds like you have bigger problems than me!

Yeah it's a manual #96. I don't think the pedal sucked back to the floor. It all happened pretty fast, but I remember putting the clutch back in and trying for third at even lower revs and it kept spinning. I rolled for a bit and took off again in second, everything back to normal.

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What do you need to do to race at kwinana on wednesdays? Can I just rock up and race? Need a helmet?

You need a AS/NZ standard helmet, plus long sleeves, pants and enclosed shoes. Can't have anything in the cab, that's bout it from memory.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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And smoke show compulsory

edit- especially with a million killowatts!

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • Will do skids for food
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Knoles, it's $55 to race and if you take a passenger, their spectator fee of $17 plus another $15 to be a passenger/driver.

Season closes at the end of may so don't mess around.

Check the Motorplex website for details on how to go about it plus info on the helmet standards.

Longs pants and sleeves, closed shoes and your car needs to be scrutineered before you race.

its all pretty low stress and they're used to noob questions so don't be scared to ask the staff or other competitors.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Make sure to ask "how do I do a sick burnout" they love that one

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