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It spools a tad later obvioulsy but when it is singing you certainly can feel the full boost, not a gradual build up like the last setup Tom. Plus having the plenum and new airbox makes the low down a lot more usable and can feel the extra torque.

I am thinking it could be a goer Ben, be interesting to see what I can run. You going down to have another crack?

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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So the Lexus is too small and slow for my liking, so looking for another car.

Ideally, looking for a family sized car with a bit of grunt, but within price range that I can trade my Lexus in for it at no extra cost (chances are may need to fork out a grand or 2 but we'll try avoid that.)

I'm currently looking at an Aurion ZX/SX6, which range from 16k-20k+ but are meant to be pretty solid, reliable cars.

What other within criteria cars should I look in to?

Budget is pretty much 18k as I'll prob get 16-18k TOPS trade in for the Lexus.

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You're going to lose the cassette player though?!?!?

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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Never know, new car could have one :o!

I contacted John Hughes who sold me the car, they have said they may be able to do a straight swap... for an i30 wagon.

Since I'm just after boot space mostly, could be a good trade. Would be more convincing if they said it was the diesel model but will have to wait and see what they say.

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  • Donkey Dick
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It has Dean, but I was going for a 9..... it was not to be with the changes I made to the rear end (different springs), My thoughts were that going from a 3.25:1 ratio at Heathcote to a 4.11 here would need more tyre, but with the rear end bouncing the wider rubber I ran (10.5", up from a 9" tyre) was ineffective.

Next time out I'll run the old springs (lower and harder) with both tyres and see what happens

For those that dont know the car:

5.0L Modular 4 Valve

2.8H LC Kenne Bell

E85 fuel

T56 with PPG heavy duty gearset

Final Drive 9" 4.11 ratio

10.5 x 28.0" tyre (still spins them hahah)

4,240 lb with driver as raced


Car actually ran the exact same time twice... 10.111 @ 140.62!


If you're wondering about the flames on shift/launch,
shift gear at 7300 but there is a 2 step rev limit at 6000 when the clutch is depressed to shift gear at WOT

Good for a laugh if nothing else!


Nice, how come you were allowed to keep running after doing consecutive 140mph+ passes without cage/chute etc etc?

So the Lexus is too small and slow for my liking, so looking for another car.

Ideally, looking for a family sized car with a bit of grunt, but within price range that I can trade my Lexus in for it at no extra cost (chances are may need to fork out a grand or 2 but we'll try avoid that.)

I'm currently looking at an Aurion ZX/SX6, which range from 16k-20k+ but are meant to be pretty solid, reliable cars.

What other within criteria cars should I look in to?

Budget is pretty much 18k as I'll prob get 16-18k TOPS trade in for the Lexus.

Stop buying based on 'knee jerk' reactions & use your head. You'll just end up in an even worse/cheaper car & want to sell again in 3 weeks.

Do your homework, make an informed decision, save up more $$$ if need be & be happy for a few years in a single car, thus minimising the cash you lose on it.

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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My whole post was based on getting information on cars within the range, the "homework" you talk about.

"Stop buying"? I have only bought 1 car on a "knee jerk" reaction hence why I'm asking what's a good car to look at lol.

I currently have a sub 20k valued Lexus, with a personal loan of 26.5k as insurance pretty much covered the cost of the Lexus, not the entire loan (as it was a personal loan not car loan). When I bought the Falcon 9 months ago I was put on a massive interest rate which was barely touched. In January I moved over to a different lender which put the loan pretty much back to what it was originally, 28k (with cancellation fees and insurance and what not). It was stolen 2 months later so only 1500 was taken off the loan.

I know I shouldn't have got the Lexus, so now I'm just trying to make the most out of a messed up situation.

At the moment I may have a chance to trade the car, only incurring the cost of stamp duty. It may be my best option. I won't be able to sell the Lexus for more than 15k I don't think, since I didn't really do any checks on it at all before buying so I wasn't aware of it's value, resale etc. It was a spur of the moment thing, something that I'll never do again.

Edited by Ciaran
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  • Donkey Dick
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Aurions are sh*thouse, much like camry & any other mid sized toyota in that price bracket & have no performance. You're looking at these because they're in price range, not because they meet your selection criteria 100%

i30 is not a family sized car & will have zero grunt.They don't meet selection criteria at all.

Sounds like another impulse buy/trade or 'knee jerk' if you ask me based on the 2 cars mentioned above?

I said homework as YOU need to do it & decide, not people you have never/hardly met. All well & good to get ideas on a forum but you need to do the hard part & ultimately decide whether it's going to cut the mustard for any & all circumstances that you have personally.

I'd be looking at a late model falcodore based on what you have mentioned in here. They have enough poke to overtake, are good on juice, cheap to insure & are big enough for a growing family... Especially if you get the wagon.

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