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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Got our edit box in the mail. Mark flashed the car before I got home. Best trip to the pizza shop I've eva had!!!!! The kids (10 & 3 ) loved it too.

KPM with 1 little box you have made a whole household happy!

Cant wait for all the other nice bits.

Hey newl, ..... he didn't mind a bit!!!!!!

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Haha of course he was always gonna win, but he was a bit of a w@nker

Gotsta get modded so I can beat SOMEONE!!

By the way, saw a yellow T in the Pier Street car park today, with pretty cool clear black brake lights...$17 a day to park in there, WHAT A F#$%^ RIP!! AND the lift doesn't even work...but anyway, the car looked good.

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FPV Tickford Club of WA usually always have an entry... and they have a good turnout too. If you are interested maybe you can get on to them and see if they will let you in? It's easy to lose track of these things, I was interested in entering us but it was way down the list of priorities for me unfortunately!

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healthy lookin graph!!!

how was the afr on the dyno, as my kpm box is in the mail!

Finally got the edit hey... you wont regret it :stupid:

What's this in your sig about a busted cv? when did that happen???

Edited by 03XR6T
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sat arvo when I was going to pick up tyres, grabbed 2nd and the tc seemed to engage for no reason (wasn't thrashing it much) and BANG, it is just free spinning on the drivers side.

parts ordered from ftg and will hopefully have it back on the road sat..

f*ckin thing hahaha

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sat arvo when I was going to pick up tyres, grabbed 2nd and the tc seemed to engage for no reason (wasn't thrashing it much) and BANG, it is just free spinning on the drivers side.

parts ordered from ftg and will hopefully have it back on the road sat..

f*ckin thing hahaha

*ouch* - exactly how much herbs were you givin it???

whats the overall $$ damage, im hoping to get a flasher next week and I know il be up for some added expenses.. like tyres and license points haha

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~300 for parts from the wrecker, same again for labour to fit.

was probably changing out of 1st at around 4k. got one tiny chirp outta the tyres (which are 215/60/16 as I got some glass in my proper tyres) and then the normal tc early engage, then bang. not much more than 1/2 throttle at a guess.

TC will be staying off from now on, as dean was telling me that tc can pop them.

EDIT: dont have the edit yet, stock boost.

Edited by XR06T
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  • 12" member
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~300 for parts from the wrecker, same again for labour to fit.

was probably changing out of 1st at around 4k. got one tiny chirp outta the tyres (which are 215/60/16 as I got some glass in my proper tyres) and then the normal tc early engage, then bang. not much more than 1/2 throttle at a guess.

TC will be staying off from now on, as dean was telling me that tc can pop them.

EDIT: dont have the edit yet, stock boost.

far canal - at stock boost???

my TC was kicking in all the time while I had balding tyres on !!! maybe it didnt have the grip to break anything???

are T and F6 CV's etc all the same??

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not too sure re the f6 and xr6t cv's but id hazard a guess and say they are the same.

I think I am just unlucky with (too harsh on?) drivelines.. no matter, its done now.

its odd when you hear about the c&v sedan running 350rwkw with mt's and no problem!

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