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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Westrac or komatsu can do it or ALS (http://www.als.com.au/) You'l need to grab a kit as the use a specific bottle. Westrac sell the little pump for about $30 and the kits around the same price but includes the cost of the analysis. If you goto westrac ask for and SOS kit. When you take the sample make sure the oils hot and dont let the tube touch the bottom of the sump.

Oh and the suction tube can be inserted down through the dipstick tube

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  • Totally not a Cop
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Cheers to Aaron for the laser/radar detector, saved my ass on Bunno highway. Just did a drive down to Bunno and back in just under 3 hours to pick up coilpack and spark plugs for a mates GTR. Terrible drive in this weather.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Far out Mat, at least you avoided injury eh, good to hear. Coulda wound up blind in one eye or worse!

Cheers to Luke for fitting my new bushes, brake shudder is 95% gone! Just need to get the rotors checked now as they've been hammered for tens of thousands of Ks with worn bushes.

As I was leaving I remembered I'd left my drink bottle behind, returned to get it. Not at his house more than 3 minutes and upon leaving I found a pretty major car accident had occurred.

I was about 3rd on the scene, stopped to help and make sure there wasn't any immediate danger etc and that the ambo was on the way etc. 30ish guy in the falcon ute ran up the arse of a 60ish woman in the hatch, witness said she was stopped on the side. The bloke looked pretty out of it, but not from the hit. The stickers all over the ute gave a good clue to his intelligence, f*ck off we're full was there, but mainly the big "BUNDY MADE ME DO IT" on the tailgate and related stickers up the side :nono: . Was a big smash, the woman was in shock, couldn't remember the event, was bleeding from her head probably from hitting the steering wheel. Bloke seemed fine. You can see the distance he pushed her in the photo, I'm sitting in my car (cropped the bonnet out) and the front wheels were on the edge of the glass fragments. Her drivers door was closed in from dirt her car had bulldozed up!

What a total idiot. Hopefully the woman doesn't have serious injuries like whiplash or worse.

Pic I took 20 minutes later once everything was under control and I was leaving:


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  • Totally not a Cop
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Almost colour coded parking! We managed to lose the Getz somewhere along the cruise unfortunately.

& Lawl, Brennans car is blue.

Edited by Crashed
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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FML. Im just about ready to torch my POS. I found the source of my intermitant loss of TPS Referance and 3# Cylinder Injector Curcuit.

At some stage in the cars life some muppet has removed the EEC-A connectors and reinstalled it with enough forc to bend 3 of the Pins on the PCM. The three that just happen to be TPS1 and TPS Ref and #3Inj Circuit.......... New Pcm and Engine loom required........

Brennan can you do me a deal on some bomb?

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