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  • Donkey Dick
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Grug, GS are a sh*t car for the $$$. They go fast with a tune, but that's all they have going for them.

When's the next cruise going to be? I have something newly acquired I want to bring along & have a play with you falcon drivers :bum:

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Grug, I'd seriously consider not getting a new car just yet but getting together some cash and trying to get a housey house. Ignore what people say, housings never going to get cheaper so sooner the better.

:stupid: As sh*t as it is its only going to get harder. :bangcomputer:

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Dean, I saw that for sale on PF, exceptional value for money really.

It'd walk away from your typhoon yer?

Gruggles my brother bought land in ellenbrook for like 75k 6 years ago and I laughed at him and bought an R33 followed by a wrx. To buy land now cost me 4x that And he's got equity and a mortgage half the size!

It's a tough call but something I think is worth putting some thought in.

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  • Slippery when dry
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I'd be looking at a GS if I was in the market now, but there still pricey.

That a nice pic there Chippa, how old were you there?

You should know......you're my Pa.......

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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You have to be fair and run it in RWD though Dean! It's well known to some, but what's the main specs of the GTR you bought? Power/times and mods?

PS someone chuck up a cruise idea/destination and I'll try to get something together, might not be as detailed as the last one though, took a couple of evenings checking all the ins and outs! Or send in a map already done, even better..

Agree on the GS being povvo though. Coming from a B series Phoon you might not be impressed with the interior. Take one for a test drive and let us know what you reckon.

Edited by -SteveR-
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+1 for getting on the piss!!

You changing the turbo(compressor housing) for that sought of power Gonz ?

yep, changing the turbo for an XFT "prepped turbo", dont know the specs, im just purchasing the power...kinda like, call me when its got 350rwkw, im definitely doing the valves too then the rest of the basics, then in a year or so I will build the bottom end then just about all the parts used now will suit the power upgrade in the future so in the long run it will be the cheapest way to do it, I really just wanna do it once do it right type thing, just cant afford it all right now so the bottom end will wait.

Yep the utes still there Gonz.My new blower should be out of customs today /tomorrow. Not long now.

In the meantime driving the Getz got to me... So I bought another turbo. Its just attached to a 3 litre deisel and 4WD with 4 doors :)

haha couldnt help yourself mate, did you get the Ranger you wanted? make sure you tell me when your going to dyno your ute mate, I will film it for ya and chuck a GoPro in the engine bay!!


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