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there is a cluc called no limits events who hold regular track days.. also have night events. works out at around 200$ for the event including 1 day cams license.


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I dont have a fire extinguisher :(

edit: nvm read it more thorough, it's pretty expensive, but I'm sure it's well worth the money

Edited by Silhoutte6T
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The other option is to join the WASCC whcih is approximately $250 I think. That will give you free admission to all events at Wanneroo in the Club house/bar. Then you will also be able to go to any tuning days throughout the year and drive your car on the track.

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  • T.P.I.S.
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had a play with a BF XR8 ute tonight (with hardcover)....... it was dead even from the lights and it looked stock as? Was only to about 90 though.

You can do better then that.

I had a GTP 2 car lengths off the lights with full herrods gear but dead even in the top end and a poor XR8 on a roll on from 100 of the freeway feel very sorry for himself.

Edited by Adrian6T
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Aren't they illegal now? Or is it different in each state?

dont really know but I went back and checked and there is indeed a sign right where you turn in mentioning the clamping so technically I could be wrong but still you would think the clamping f*ckface would show some discretion, given how dead the place was!!

that would sh#t me to no end. they better not have scratched your rims while putting on the clamp

oh mate I was so farken pissed, I'd hate to think what would have happened if the missus wasnt there and a few mates were instead it would be punch-on every farker.. shouldnt have to put up with sh*te like this crap... fair enough if it was packed and I was taking up 2 handicapped bays etc.

Im really spewing cause afterwards I thought "why the fark didnt I just jack the car up, pull the wheel and clamp off, whack on the spare and go home for some angle grinding action !!

*disclaimer* - yes I do know it was my own fault for being a bit careless in parking but still what sort of f*cktard would bother clamping a car when the entire carpark was so empty just for a couple of inches..

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not sure that I required a fire extinguisher when I went on one of their events??

got one now anyway after a collie track day..

EDIT: yep defn need one now.. is heaps of fun but.

Edited by XR06T
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  • T.P.I.S.
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not sure that I required a fire extinguisher when I went on one of their events??

got one now anyway after a collie track day..

EDIT: yep defn need one now.. is heaps of fun but.

Yeah you need one now. I have work make me a bracket that bolts to the passenger seat floor.

Silhoutte6T I can lend you mine if you like?

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You can do better then that.

I had a GTP 2 car lengths off the lights with full herrods gear but dead even in the top end and a poor XR8 on a roll on from 100 of the freeway feel very sorry for himself.

naa trust me in 2nd we were DEAD even, I was not pulling past him and I gave it all it had. In 3rd I just started gaining until he backed off. I was shocked to say the least. I would have had no chance in stock trim.

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Silly Question I know but anyone on the forum live/work in Meekatharra by anychace.. if so let me know cause I am up here for a few Days... and not much to do and don't have my T...

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