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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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hghly dout ill reach 11's in a Manual, maybe high 12's?!

well im still deciding to go full exhsaust or jus cat/dump I reckon ill get 330rwkw+ with injectors fuel pump Rapid 3.5 kit exshaust

if I do turbo mod ill see a fair bit more.. but im not botherd ill be happy with 300rwkw aslong as my cars half safe :)

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Hey Dean... cheers for the comment mate... did some research today and the math just doesnt add up when it comes to "beefing it up". Kevlar bands and better clutch packs = $2800!!! Add AU planetaries for another 3 or 4 hundred! Im getting some flaring / delayed shift from 2nd to 3rd so think those clutches may be on the way out. So what you think just add a cooler and see how it goes? I don't think it will cost much more if it goes bang then needs the rebuild...

If it's slipping already, she's fooked!

Still bash a big cooler on there asap to prolong it's life, but it's inevidible that a new auto is on the cards. Just buy another stocker & keep the cooler on it from day dot :buttrock:

Well, I think its time to contact Simon for some more gofast bits. WAW coming up. :D What kind of power are you looking at to hit 11s?

320rwkw should easily put a zf6 falcoon into the 11's.

My old sh*tter ran 11.7 @ 120ish with 340rwkw on 20" Kuhmo's that had seen better days.

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waxit is the go for detailing....spend some coin on some half decent products and your ride will shine like a star!!! I love using my DAS 6 R/O polisher on my ego paint its awesome...wax every 6 or so weeks :buttrock::spoton:

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If anyone's considering having a professional detail done, Proshine are who you want to speak to!

Their work will be on display at Powercruise in a few weeks as I'll have the ute gone over just prior.

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There's no guarantees you will.

320rwkw isn't just 320rwkw... You can have a number of different styled tunes that have a 'PEAK' power figure of 320. Depends how/what your car is tuned for.

Don't take dyno figures as gospel either as they are a tuning tool. MPH will tell the truth when it comes to power :bangcomputer:

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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That last part is what worries me the most. I'll be hoping for low 12's, but secretly trying for 11's...not going to go slicks, will stick with KU31s I think (just got 4 new ones on today after all - drive to work tomorrow will be fun with a full tank).

SO goddamn keen.

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