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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 17y 10m 13d
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: somewhere in the great outdoors


Spewing I have heaps of electronic transaction records for the ATM next to scarborough BP (and very little elsewhere) but no eftpos fuel receipts.... well 1 in the last month!!! Damnit. Looks like it's the other way around.... use cash heaps more :(

I would still mention it to the servo, maybe along the line of I get cash out and then come & fill up.. Saves on transaction fees. Might work & better than not trying at all. The chick/guy on the till might remember you. You never know yr luck.

:slap: Sounds like I need to change fuel though. We've just been using regular??? :o

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 10m 13d
  • Gender: Female
  • Location: somewhere in the great outdoors


I don't like BP. I actually don't think that I'm allowed at the local one.. Thieving &^%$$##!

Took a car there for a service and they seriously did nothing but billed me for the lot. Only know cause it completely died a couple of days later and the mechanic who sorted it showed me the filters. No way had they been changed.

So change to the premium stuff??

How's yr leg

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 8m 9d
  • Gender: Male

I just use premium in mine, seems ok..

bp is a f*ckin rought down this way, always 10+c more than the other servos.

mostly caltex or peak. haven't had any probs and it wound up 290rwhp stock, afrs in the 11's on boost

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  • Silver Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 8m 9d
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okay rocko guys, how about a 430 pm meet at the back of waki shell again?

I am keen to try one of the pizzas so wanna get there around 530? is this no good for anyone, because I dont mind leaving later..

let us know!!

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Member For: 17y 11m 4d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A

what day is it again mate?

If its sat night I wont be able to :spoton: , big party in settlers hill dont wanna miss!

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  • Member For: 19y 6m 1d

I don't like BP. I actually don't think that I'm allowed at the local one.. Thieving &^%$$##!

Took a car there for a service and they seriously did nothing but billed me for the lot. Only know cause it completely died a couple of days later and the mechanic who sorted it showed me the filters. No way had they been changed.

So change to the premium stuff??

How's yr leg

The legs still a leg so that's the main thing. Still on track to ditch the crutches in 3 to 4weeks.

I'd recommend using premium as a minimum, ultimate is proven to make more power and be more economical but yes it does come at a cost here in the west and if you get a bad batch like bren, well you're stuffed. Seeing that you don't like bp, premium is fine on a stock t, has worked very well for kieran (XR06T).

Sorry to hear bout getting rorted by those mechanics, sadly you hear it all to often that mechanics try to take advantage of women, presuming they don't have a clue about cars.

I was talkin to your hubby on the cruise and he told me your car is soon to be modded, have u guys got a planned list of mods and date to get it done yet?

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