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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Mat, I can't talk highly enough about how awesome it was. Paris, Amsterdam, Berlin, Vienna, Prague, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Zadar, Venice, Florence, Pisa, Rome.. and more.

The history in all those places is spectacular, the food is even better, and the women.. far out brussel sprout, f*cking amazing!!!

We got up to so much mischief, had so many late drunken days and nights, partied like there was no tomorrow and I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. Just need to save again for next year I think ;)

Yer I first realised that history is everwhere when I flew into Rome. Taxi ride to the hotel took us past all these sites / places that I thought I'd only ever read about in history books. That said, Europe is so old and Australia is such a new country.

Did you go on Contiki or just did your own thing? Euro women are beatiful that's for sure.

I havent been to prague or amsterdam but they reckon those parties / clubs are unreal. Bit like clubbing in Berlin

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Yer I first realised that history is everwhere when I flew into Rome. Taxi ride to the hotel took us past all these sites / places that I thought I'd only ever read about in history books. That said, Europe is so old and Australia is such a new country.

Did you go on Contiki or just did your own thing? Euro women are beatiful that's for sure.

I havent been to prague or amsterdam but they reckon those parties / clubs are unreal. Bit like clubbing in Berlin

Yeah me and my mate did a 22 day Contiki which started in Paris and ended in Rome. After Rome me and my mate went our own ways for 14 days and visited our families in Italy. That was awesome fun. Waking up 9am every morning, going to the beach (2 minute drive down a hill), laying in the sun and swimming and catching mussels till about 1pm, went back home and cooked up the fresh seafood, had our siesta and slept till about 4pm, had dinner around 10pm (always had a coffee and some strong grappa after it) then went out to the Marina and had drinks with my cousins till about 2-3am. It was definitely the life there in the Summer that's for sure!

Ahhh women.. where do I start. Every single one in Prague (Czech Republic) was a supermodel, I sh*t you not. Closely followed by Dubrovnik (Croatia), then the tanned Italian women, ahh they were all nice really! Amsterdam.. haha now that was interesting. The cafes were pretty spun out, and the women in the red light district, holy sh*t man some of them are way way way too hot to be a pro, its a bit of a waste really!

We went on a massive pub crawl in Prague and also in Berlin, those were awesome. We got so smashed one night in Dubrovnik that we lost our way back to the hostel, and saw a stray dog and in our drunk state thought "That dog lives here, he must know his way around!" and followed a stray dog for 20 minutes... and sure enough he lead us right up to the front door of the hostel! No word of a lie (we got photos to prove it) haha.

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  • Member For: 17y 5m 9d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Those pub crawls are crazy!

Sounds like a killa trip. Need pics. I only heard stories about Prague and Croatia. Mate got some photo's in red light district in Amsterdam and it just looks like an interesting place haha

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You lucky farker! Hearing how cool the rest of the world is makes me :bum:

But good on 'ya :stupid:

Only banning's have been Dean about half a dozen times again. Agree with Mat on picsorban, much needed to guide the lost confused souls of this forum aka me

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  • T.P.I.S.
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Yeah me and my mate did a 22 day Contiki which started in Paris and ended in Rome. After Rome me and my mate went our own ways for 14 days and visited our families in Italy. That was awesome fun. Waking up 9am every morning, going to the beach (2 minute drive down a hill), laying in the sun and swimming and catching mussels till about 1pm, went back home and cooked up the fresh seafood, had our siesta and slept till about 4pm, had dinner around 10pm (always had a coffee and some strong grappa after it) then went out to the Marina and had drinks with my cousins till about 2-3am. It was definitely the life there in the Summer that's for sure!

Ahhh women.. where do I start. Every single one in Prague (Czech Republic) was a supermodel, I sh*t you not. Closely followed by Dubrovnik (Croatia), then the tanned Italian women, ahh they were all nice really! Amsterdam.. haha now that was interesting. The cafes were pretty spun out, and the women in the red light district, holy sh*t man some of them are way way way too hot to be a pro, its a bit of a waste really!

We went on a massive pub crawl in Prague and also in Berlin, those were awesome. We got so smashed one night in Dubrovnik that we lost our way back to the hostel, and saw a stray dog and in our drunk state thought "That dog lives here, he must know his way around!" and followed a stray dog for 20 minutes... and sure enough he lead us right up to the front door of the hostel! No word of a lie (we got photos to prove it) haha.

Sound exactly like my trip last year. Good to see you had fun. Its hard not to really is it.

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Probably better than the blurry pic I got in my rear view of this DB9. Side mirror barely worth it...but look at that front :)


At uni today!


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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I envy those who've tripped to Europe. The states was fun and all but I'd really love to see some vastly different cultures, the history etc... hope you didn't "pick anything up" to remind you of the trip Mike :beerchug: hahaha...

+1 for cruise on Friday night or something, really keen to see F6F for the frist time since the random spot I had in Freo ages ago. Got a lot on this weekend, I'm up in the hills on sat night and sunday too so hopefully we can meet friday?

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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

lost confused souls of this forum aka me

I've seen your pay cheque and 3 weeks earning that could easily get you a month in Europe. Possibly about a decade in the cesspool of filth that is south east asia :) FWIW, my mate spent 4K (inc flights and accom) in 3.5 weeks. If your a tightass (ie you), you shouldn't have any problems.

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