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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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lol plums, you should let me know next time you're flying up, I know a good pilot who can give his time for free :eyebrows:

Spotted a magna getting hoonlawed from Peak in Bayswater, the hero tried to haze the fronts with the wet weather and all, from the lights over the road. Brave, considering cops were sitting in marked police car on the other side of the intersection :pinch:

Tilt tray rocked up before I departed, aka within 5 minute$....

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  • Member For: 18y 20d
spotted a plane load of muppets.

should be some new rules layed out if you what to fly:

1) wash before boarding, especially if your an indigounous australia or a smoker, not pleasant for the person next to you.

2) newspapers to be band, the "australian" for f*ck sake, who tries to read the biggest newspaper in the country on the smallest bloody plane??

3) for an hour flight you are not allowed to recline your chair.

4) plane must be right to fly before boarding, taxi'd back twice

5) pilot must actually no how to park a plane, 2 goes at that too, doing donuts out the front of the domestic so he doesnt crash into the plane next door.

6) miners, for f*ck sake change out of your work clothes, everyone knows 95% of people on plane are miners, fluo/soiled jackets are not cool.

7) baggage limit is that a limit, not a guidline or rule of thumb.

8) no touching of the other passengers a/c outlet thingy, you have your own, f*ck with that one.

that's is all, abid by these and I will not stab you with my plastic fork if you ever sit next to me on a plane.


Asking a dumbar*ed miner to change his clothes before he boards is like asking a monkey not to peel that banana ( you know it's going to happen )

Kids that kick your chair for 4 hours should be turfed out at 40 thousand feet

Fat people that take up half your chair should be in cargo

People that fall asleep on you and drool or snore should be belted with a rolled up newspaper with gaffa tape on it for extra whacking strength

People that talk rubbish the whole trip should be injected with mogadon so they sleep the whole way and then left on the plane so they end up somewhere else

Gay stewards should all work on plummet airlines

Ugly people should sit somewhere else

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I am guilty of not changing my clothes when I get on the plane but seeing that I am an Engineer and don't do any real work, I don't think I get too smelly.

The problem is often that the flights are organised so that you have to go straight from site to the airport. Some airports have grotty little showers that you can use but it does take a bit more organisation to have toiletries and spare clothes/towel etc in your carry on luggage.

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  • Formerly EGOBFXR6
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Saw a ton of T's tonight while going from Freo area to Midland...

BF Typhoon with Dark Argents

Octane Turbo Ute

BA Orange ute with black Bonnet

Velocity T (Saw a few days ago)

Blue BF with Grey GT Stripes - May not have been a T...

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Octane FG T turning onto Stock Rd in Palmyra this arvo, bout 5:45 :)

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