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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 18d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

Spotted a Rip Curl (?) Pursuit (maybe super, was far away) letting it hang out sideways in the wet, naughty boy...opposite HJ's in Palmyra. Had to smile at the antics.

Is that KU31's price for 19's arronm?

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 7d
Spotted a tidy looking white T today on Erindale rd about 3.30pm, "4D XR6T". Looks good mate.

that's my mate's car, he is not member here but I use his plates as a user name. It was driving his car for first time a year ago that made me buy my xr6t.

I see you car almost every day on my way to work on Balcatta Rd, looks good. I work on Erindale Rd & drive my grey AU ute.

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  • Member For: 18y 2m 18d
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  • Location: PERTH WA

That Balcatta Rd is a bit of a race track some mornings. There is a black sedan T that doesn't mind having a race to the speed limit when ever we happen to be next to each other. It's always good for a laugh especially in the wet, when all of the wet weather tools come out to play on the corner of Wanneroo Rd and Balcatta Rd. We watch them from the depot as they power on, go sideways and then sh1t themselves.

Has your mate done much to his car, I noticed the cooler?

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 10d
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spotted a plane load of muppets.

should be some new rules layed out if you what to fly:

1) wash before boarding, especially if your an indigounous australia or a smoker, not pleasant for the person next to you.

2) newspapers to be band, the "australian" for f*ck sake, who tries to read the biggest newspaper in the country on the smallest bloody plane??

3) for an hour flight you are not allowed to recline your chair.

4) plane must be right to fly before boarding, taxi'd back twice

5) pilot must actually no how to park a plane, 2 goes at that too, doing donuts out the front of the domestic so he doesnt crash into the plane next door.

6) miners, for f*ck sake change out of your work clothes, everyone knows 95% of people on plane are miners, fluo/soiled jackets are not cool.

7) baggage limit is that a limit, not a guidline or rule of thumb.

8) no touching of the other passengers a/c outlet thingy, you have your own, f*ck with that one.

that's is all, abid by these and I will not stab you with my plastic fork if you ever sit next to me on a plane.

Edited by tinyplums
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 3m 18d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

I hope I don't get reincarnated as a rental!! Poor bastards.

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 7d
That Balcatta Rd is a bit of a race track some mornings. There is a black sedan T that doesn't mind having a race to the speed limit when ever we happen to be next to each other. It's always good for a laugh especially in the wet, when all of the wet weather tools come out to play on the corner of Wanneroo Rd and Balcatta Rd. We watch them from the depot as they power on, go sideways and then sh1t themselves.

Has your mate done much to his car, I noticed the cooler?

Just cooler & tune engine wise, ts50 wheels & coilovers, debaged. It looks very neat.

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