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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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^^ spotted another red xr6t about 9am with plates "BECS XR6" or something???

Iv seen this car in Currambine, dont think they still live there but used to live across from my mate. She also had a red covette...

Poor girl is disabled but the XR is customised so she can drive it with buttons or soemthing like that... At least it was when I last seen it, was a while back though.

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Thanks mate,

Off at 06.20 on Friday morning :spoton:

I was going to take that flight but am now heading over Friday arvo instead. Pm me your mobile and I'll try and catch up with you while I'm there. :spoton:

Leg broken in 9 places is not what you want to hear about when you've just got home from doing some 40 footers on a Quad :Doh:

Here's hoping the leg & owner mends as good as new :spoton:

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SPOTTED THIS MORNING, MY UTE WITH THE DRIVERS SIDE WINDOW SMASHED................... Devo to say the least, missin my radar detector, sat nav and few little bits and pieces..........

Also, on a lighter note, spotted silver typhoon [FPV F6] in osborne park around lunch after I picked my ute up with a new intact drivers window...

Edited by Dirty32
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  • 12" member
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SPOTTED THIS MORNING, MY UTE WITH THE DRIVERS SIDE WINDOW SMASHED................... Devo to say the least, missin my radar detector, sat nav and few little bits and pieces..........

Also, on a lighter note, spotted silver typhoon [FPV F6] in osborne park around lunch after I picked my ute up with a new intact drivers window...

farken spewin mate !!! was it in your garage??

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  • Legendary member!!
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  • Location: Dianella, West Oz
SPOTTED THIS MORNING, MY UTE WITH THE DRIVERS SIDE WINDOW SMASHED................... Devo to say the least, missin my radar detector, sat nav and few little bits and pieces..........

Also, on a lighter note, spotted silver typhoon [FPV F6] in osborne park around lunch after I picked my ute up with a new intact drivers window...

farken spewin mate !!! was it in your garage??

No, was stayin at the girlfriends house in Noranda but it was parked on her drive and everything stolen was in the center console, so it wasnt as if everything was on show...............

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well youngy had 7hrs of surgery yesterday.... seems his knee was cactus too.

Youngy has a crazy worked quad bike as well..... he's off work for 6 months so I think he maybe selling it if anyone you know is keen.. not sure what it is but it has had some $$ spent on it.

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