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Guest newl
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Ahhhahahah I just jump off before the tunnel anyway. You're the poor soul that has to drive through the parking lot of a tunnel (they really should have made it three lanes as two isn't enough).

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  • Member For: 22y 2m 9d
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  • Location: Perth, WA
Ahhhahahah I just jump off before the tunnel anyway.  You're the poor soul that has to drive through the parking lot of a tunnel (they really should have made it three lanes as two isn't enough).

AAMEN, bloody government, and their short sightedness.

Like they are going to rip Northbridge up in the future to widen the tunnel - NOT :blush:

Too small from day 2.

Oh, and to the engineer who came up with the idea of merging a lane right at the entrance of the tunnel :blink:

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Guest newl
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I'm wondering how much longer they'll let Orrong be until they get off their back sides and push the GF all the way down to Roe. Great Eastern isn't any better. Someone in the government needs to get a clue (or two or three).

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But it is sooo much easier to decide putting up more Multanovas, (but not because they generate revenue of course :blink: )

If they were serious about road safety, a serious part of the budget surplus would be used to fix the roads, Perth is lagging holpelessly behind, and the population is booming :blush:

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Agreed. They are only just getting the bottlenecks out of the fwy system, and they are farcked again..

What we need is 4 lanes wide, 20Km of straight road with no exits and name it something like....... I dunno, Autobarn has a nice ring to it!!.. ( Or Toodyay rd out to The Lakes roadhouse if all else fails?? )

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  • 12" member
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yeh you know the freeway system is cactus when it drops to 20kph in a few places at farken 2-3pm on a weekday which is hardly a busy time... never mind the busier times when its a hotbed of incompetent f*ckknobs who dont know how to merge from how to sh*te!!

Edited by nang3
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  • Colossal Member
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Ah I forgot I was gonna post earlier about my trip down south...

For anyone heading to Albany, the Dolphin Lodge apartments are great, real close to middleton beach and good value too. They have king bed self contained apartment for 135 a night... very comfortable too. The drive down there was good, but kinda boring as albany hwy can be. The car sat comfortably at 110 most of the way and economy climbed above 600km per tank. She was serviced recently and the new oil made her a bit quieter (royal purple). The exhaust I got from Allan was perfect (no droan when cruising, and a nice rumble down low).

The scenery down south was awesome. Found some great beaches near Frenchmans Bay. Also managed some forum promoting :blink:

After two nights cruised up to Busselton for three more, via walpole and Manjimup. The treetop walk is breathtaking... 40m above the ground and your still looking up at trees! We stayed at Abbey Beach resort in Buso, great rooms and right on the beach. It's a great place to check out if you havent yet.

Beach near frenchmans bay :spoton:

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