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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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yeah a tad far away. gonna ring Tech9 and see what they will charge the Antilag Nexen Tech9 series competitors

normally they charge $35 for a fitting and balance :blush:


Not sure where you are but figure that CanninG Vale is better than Mandurah. We use Paul at TyrePower in CanningVale just off Bannister Rd at the South St end. He has been great on service price and advice. Even took the rubber off all tyres and cleaned the grass out for NIX after Mark tried a new tyre wall style.. Also if you mention Perth Falcons get a bit better deal. Got a couple of hundred off the closest price for rims and tryes.

Refer to AHG day for more info but here is a refresher pic of the new GRASS WALL EFFECT.



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Just saw this on Perth Falcons if any body is interested. A top effort by the girls who organised and those who attended.....

Hey All!

Well after an hour of counting Miss 302 (Bec) and myself (Stroppy 1) would love to announce that we raised a total of $7185.45!

We wanna say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone for coming and donating and to everyone who helped us out to make this possible! There was a total of 1500 cars!

We did an interview at Kings Park with a contractor for all the new stations so we will keep you all posted as to what channel will play it (fingers crossed they do!!)

Thanks again!

Kylie & Bec xxxxx

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  • Drift Queen
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Small drive this arvo, spotted a red XR Ute with Phoon wheels leaving HJ's drive through in Palmyra. Plates were something like ROBBO08. Looked good :)

Living behind there for the next 2 weeks :( no internet for me

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at $10 per map per car, if you got $7,000 then they could only have got 700 odd cars plus a few people throwing in extra money.

if there was 1500 cars then they would have need to make twice as much money.

or they did make twice as much money and have stolen half of it, either way the numbers don't add up

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Also saw that GAM3 ON at titan's actually when I was in there the other day, very nice yes!

Chikt, my mate at work gets 2 whoppers every day for lunch, I'm often the lunch run bloke so I know that drive through well hahaha. Good luck getting some net, maybe some unsecured wireless networks around there :)

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