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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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You will probably find that even if you do flush the coolant it will still discolour after a while as there is crap left in the blocks from when they are cast thast near on impossible to get out unless you removed the eng and get the block acid washed. If you use some of the heavy duty cooling system cleaners that you can buy the tend to find the weak spots in the system (usually water pump seals or head gaskets) and cause more grief than they are worth, If all you concerned about is that state of the coolant after it got a bit hot due to your fan issues i would just drop it and flush it with the garden hose then refill it with distilled water and a quality coolant/anitfreeze additive or even just buy some commercial premixed coolant.... :spoton:

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leaving the airport today and there was a nice new Red 4D F6 joined us on Canning Highway.

Couldn't have been very old but already had an Xtreme Ford Tuning Sticker along it's rear window so no doubt a very capable machine already.

Plates were CAT006

I don't have any site paraphernalia on my car so he may not be a member but some one might know it's owner.



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  • Member For: 22y 2m 10d
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  • Location: Perth, WA

I think at the time it was me :bowdown:

I'm on Graham Farmer Freeway virtuall every day, and I have the little mobile phone aerial and a site sticker on my back window :spoton:

I do see another Acid Rush XR6T occasionally, so probably cunners :tease:

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