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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Warm, sophisticated, style???? Explains why Kael walked out within 30 seconds :spoton::innocent::blink:

LOL Mat, that toasters gold! I could probably make you something cheaper though.. would be similar to a cattle branding tool, just hold the patented Nurburgring brander over your gas stoves flame for a few minutes, then brand your toast with it :) Way more fun doing it yourself I reckon :P

Edited by XF Falcon
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  • Member For: 17y 10m 21d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

High stakes play eh? that's why I never heard of it!

Is it the room near the toilets at the end opposite ruby room?

Edited by Mat
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That would be it Mat :P Although if Kael knew it was free drinks while playing I'm sure he would have found a way to pretend to be gambling in there :shocked: It's basically the high rollers room for the main floor but its not really high roller at all. Still waiting to see Kael's reply to see if it was actually him! Lol.

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 21d
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Actually a close mate of mine is HR at burswood and the stuff she tells me about is pretty awesome.

Whodathunk they'd have a private plane and chopper! It appears the burswood employees have it pretty good compared to what a lot of other hospitality people get

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Yeah we don't have it too bad, however we still all like to bitch and moan about how bad the staff food is :shocked: Best thing by far has to be the soft serve machine. I get a 15 or 20 minute break every hour, so every hour I have a bowl of smooth soft serve :D (With either chocolate or strawberry topping of course). Working at Burswood is pretty awesome, not many people can say they have held over $4M in their left hand, or met some of the richest people in the world and taken their money, its interesting to say the least.

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 21d
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So I assume you work in the riveria room then?

My mate was actually saying something about the filthy rich having a 5m+ line of credit or something. Apparently some rich bloke wanted a certain food so they sent a plane to Singa's.

Met anyone famous? I once saw Barry Hall. Wouldnt wanna meet him in a dark alley! Bloke is a giant

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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What do you need to do to the BA? I thought you had prety much everything...bar exhaust I gather?

Clutch/exhaust/new brakes (brembos....? :buttonit: )New suspension bushes,springs and shocks,Billet pump gears...I think thats about it.

If Ang takes it as her daily i'l probably just drop the stock 6lb actuator back on it and tune it very very mild. Once she's finished with it its on! :dontknow:

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