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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • 12" member
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 5d
  • Location: Perth WA

confession time - my mate who is a cop has done the unthinkable.. he has added to the HOON Propaganda campaign currently being bleated countrywide by the road nazi sheep by impounding a 16 yr olds scooter for doing a 10-15 second standstill in a deserted service station in a puddle of water on that black slippery stuff they have as flooring... this is a servo that hasnt been used in 15 years and therefore has no large tanks of combustible fluids underground so he posed no threat to anyone, it wasnt loud or smoky and caused no harm whatsoever..

So while out on the piss Saturday arvo we pinned him down and shaved off one of his eyebrows mwahahaa

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  • 12" member
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 5d
  • Location: Perth WA
Nang Hope your mate has a good sense of humor.... Assulting a police officer........naughty boy.

ROFL shaving an eyebrow off him is probably the least offensive and dangerous thing we have ever done to him hahaha..

you know the one person that everyone plays practical jokes on in a group of friends, well he is that person haha.. we all know one day he's going to snap and glock our asses so we might as well play up while we can haha..

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Only yesterday I had a copper telling me about the corruption he experienced in a country town (pretty large, famous one in WA) when he was stationed there years ago. When he spoke out he was framed for murder.. Lots of other interesting stories too. He reckons the problem is after 17 years, its all he knows...

Season 4 of Underbell: Perth police, gone wrong!

Edited by Mat
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  • 12" member
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 5d
  • Location: Perth WA

Only yesterday I had a copper telling me about the corruption he experienced in a country town (pretty large, famous one in WA) when he was stationed there years ago. When he spoke out he was framed for murder.. Lots of other interesting stories too. He reckons the problem is after 17 years, its all he knows...

Season 4 of Underbell: Perth police, gone wrong!

haha mate normally I would never shave anyones brows but he does deserve it !!! all the other sh*t he does more than makes up for it

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