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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 16y 10m 19d
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  • Location: CANNINGVALE wa
Well, FMIC is now finally fitted. Obviously the blue silicon joiner has no clamps as its being binned (or maybe a shop might be happy to swap colours) so a black one will have to go in when I can get to shops to grab one. Horn issue all sorted now too! As I've said before, thanks to Kieran, Esky, Kael, Mike and to Josh who was happy to drink some corona's and tell me I shoulda stuck to boosted awd's!

9mm off centre but the aircon line wouldn't bend any further. Highly doubt anyone bar Esky and I would notice it lol


same as my cooler kit after waiting 3 weeks for mine ,also turns up with no instructions and top pipe bracket welded upwards (had to made my own bracket dosnt look to bad)keep and eye on the pipe near the a/c compressor as it rubs on the front rail I had to mount rubber around lower pipe ,no bad for a cheap kit ,but dont know if I would do a premade cooler kit again :stupid:

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  • Member For: 16y 5m 21d
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Mat I feel ya pain I 2 Waited 4 weeks for my kit and had missing joiner and some clamps. Oh and the instrustions on the cd where just pics with little info. All went in ok in the end though.

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  • T.P.I.S.
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I didn't ban anybody champ.

The word "you" wasn't exactly directed at you.

What would you like done? You want me to ban a site sponsor?

Ok, that will be a first.

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There cetainly seems to be a few people with problems with this sponser! :dontknow:

Rapid? no sh*t, the kits are cheap and poorly put togother

I guess you get what you pay for

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  • Member For: 16y 5m 27d
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  • Location: Fremantle, W.A.

I got my kit within a week of paying, and all my silicon joiners are blue, which is what I asked for... I haven't had a close look just yet to see if anything is missing and that it fits together. Will do that when I have time. But for now, I have no complaints with my V2 kit.

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My kit is shocking, it hardly lasts under pressure & looks identical to the standard crap from Fraud :spit:

TBH guys, usually I only really ever hear good things about Rapids, can't speak first hand about his gear though, apart from what Ive seen with the adventure of Mat's kit :dontknow:

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  • T.P.I.S.
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  • Member For: 20y 3m 1d
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  • Location: SoR, WA
lol @ Adrian trying to get :banned:

:roflmbo: nah not trying.

Rapid? no sh*t, the kits are cheap and poorly put togother

I guess you get what you pay for


My kit is shocking, it hardly lasts under pressure & looks identical to the standard crap from Fraud :yes:

TBH guys, usually I only really ever hear good things about Rapids, can't speak first hand about his gear though, apart from what Ive seen with the adventure of Mat's kit :thumbsup:

The reason you only ever here good things is because all the truth is cut, slashed and deleted as will the last couple of posts.

The thing is you will never really hear the truth on a sponsored forum.

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on mats kit, the endtanks are warped and distorted, the core looks pretty good but I think that's a plazmaman one.

the kit was missing joiners (which Rapid then supplied but its the wrong colour), missing clamps, the washers supplied where to small to fit over the bolts supplied, the top brackets are average at best which we modified to improve and finally the hole in the bracket that holds the top pipe was to small for the bolt to go through which also need modifying.

for a bolt on kit, virtually none of it bolts on. plenty of custom stuff, and not on the car, on the gear supplied to make it fit.

I've also seen one car with quit bad boost leaks, turned out the welds where leaking

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