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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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can someone here talk some sense in to me please... I really want an FG F6 or G6E Turbo but my work + GF's new job circumstances are making it fiscally ideal to sell my typhoon, drive her WRX for a year or two and then get a new F* F6 or G6E or whatever..

basically she has a new company car (VE) that has to be garaged at night - shes working for mega pharmaceutical company so she always literally has a bootful of drugs (this is why you don't know my address Dirty32 rofl ) worth a small fortune and/or very dangerous etc..

my typhoon and the VE wont both quite fit in the garage as one side is slightly shorter than the other, it can probably be done but would leave about 2mm of room, but the WRX fits perfectly alongside the VE...

plus also at the end of the 2009-2010 financial year she can salary sacrifice a car + running costs for me plus still keep her company car.. so im thinking sell the F6 now, drive the WRX for 1-2 years and in the meantime save some coin plus extend the garage...

but on the other hand the FG F6's are horn and its easy to borrow some coin for one + a garage extension mwahahaha... there are good and bad sides for both arguments which doesn't help, but I can't see past the friggen EGO FG F6 at Lynfords I saw the other day hahahaha

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Don't be soft...

And come on a cruise FFS :rolleyes:

Adrian dual zone ICC's work in non dual zone cars, there is a few minor things that need to be changed & a program from Fraud needs to be installed I think :hohum:

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Unlikely. I have been trying to get Dean a job for a good few weeks now through old mates & the like but have had no luck :stirthepot:

The meltdown hasen't caused job losses in my industry it's just that a few medium-term projects around the place have been completed. But people have less cash now so they're not buying as many drugs hence why I'm trying to get sausage fingers some real work.

PM sent though...


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No wukkas.

It would have been epic. MANual work 13 hours a day with no internet access (unless he has bigpond wireless) & Kambalda lifestyle :stirthepot:

I couldn't get him in the crew :buttonit:

I tried to get him my old job there too but he didn't have the accreditation :stirthepot:

Edited by Man-Pants
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