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Settle down. I didn't hack into anything, I was on Adrian's computer with him sitting there. Besides, I put my name at the bottom of the post so you would know who wrote it...

Obviously can't take a joke if you think that warrants a ban :idunno:

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  • 12" member
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anyone here know shizzle about bikes?? the treadly kind not the fun 350kph kind..

having recently joined the gym (cause I iz huge and bench 220............. lbs) but hate doing farken cardio sh*t.. yes its nice to stare at the hot chicks ass in front on the stairmaster but it gets sooooooo farken boring after a while ..

my solution is to ride to the gym instead soo...

wheres a good shop in perth?

is a dual suspension mountain bike worth the extra cheddar over a hard tail/front only suspended one?

disc brakes worth it??

anyone got a decent secondhandy they wanna sell?

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  • T.P.I.S.
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TBE is the best place.

I bought a brand new TBE branded bike (Frame comes out of the same factory as Giants) and it has Disk Brakes, Shinamo (spelling) Gears and front shocks.

$500 with 12 months free servicing.

If your mainly going to ride on road and hard surfaces go with no suspension as it absorbs your pedaling which makes it harder especialy up hills.

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Need to figure out what you want first mate, dual suspension are good fun if you are planning on going off road or doing the hills trek but on the road they make riding a bit hard.

My Trek soft tail is great for the bush bashing but is horrible on the road and for flat riding, I can only sorta average about 30km/hr on that thing but when I get on my brothers road racer and go for it I can get that baby up to 50+ km/hr have even cracked 65 before.

If you are just looking at doing simple street riding mybe a little off road and you aren't to friendly on your bikes then go for a hard tail with a front suspension set up that should work a treat for you I reckon. Can get some decent ones for bit over $500.

As for bike shops they are all pretty competitive when it comes to prices but I use the cycle shop on erindale rd in Balcatta always good service and look after you with maintinence and after market care.


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  • 12" member
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Need to figure out what you want first mate, dual suspension are good fun if you are planning on going off road or doing the hills trek but on the road they make riding a bit hard.

My Trek soft tail is great for the bush bashing but is horrible on the road and for flat riding, I can only sorta average about 30km/hr on that thing but when I get on my brothers road racer and go for it I can get that baby up to 50+ km/hr have even cracked 65 before.

If you are just looking at doing simple street riding mybe a little off road and you aren't to friendly on your bikes then go for a hard tail with a front suspension set up that should work a treat for you I reckon. Can get some decent ones for bit over $500.

As for bike shops they are all pretty competitive when it comes to prices but I use the cycle shop on erindale rd in Balcatta always good service and look after you with maintinence and after market care.


yeah I'd say it will get a bit of off road work, probably not sh*tloads though.... I was thinking hard tail might be a good compromise, hopefully with lockout front so the road ridings not too compromised..

TBE is the best place.

I bought a brand new TBE branded bike (Frame comes out of the same factory as Giants) and it has Disk Brakes, Shinamo (spelling) Gears and front shocks.

$500 with 12 months free servicing.

If your mainly going to ride on road and hard surfaces go with no suspension as it absorbs your pedaling which makes it harder especialy up hills.

I was checking out there bikes yesterday or the day before and was pretty keen on the TBE branded one.. certainly seemed to tick all the boxes that the more exxy Giant ones did anyway !!

im kinda tossing up whether to spend $500+ on something or just a cheapo $100-200 quokka special just to see if I will actually use it or not.. I'd orgionally planned on a cheapo but then once I saw shiny disk brakes etc I just want moaaaaaaaaar and better !!!!!!

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  • T.P.I.S.
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Definatly go for the lock out shocks which I didnt. Its worth it.

A friend of mine when cheap and bought the $100-200 specials. As of now he when through 2 of them and is now buying the TBE one.

He has now gone through $900 compared to my $500.

Edited by Adrian6T
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Definitely go a road/race setup if your not gonna take it offroad. You have to use twice the effort to pedal something with a big-ass suspension setup...

I got my bike fro TBE on High Rd cause my mate worked there. Wouldn't of gone there otherwise because they're arrogant pricks!

Fleet Cycles in Freo used to be good :idunno:

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