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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • 12" member
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  • Member For: 19y 8m 15d
  • Location: Perth WA

At least once the undercover hoon cops actually cause a fatality by baiting someone into either racing them or by making someone panic due to their erratic aggressive behaviour and trying to get away, surely then the media will make enough of a fuss for the program to be shut down...

I get so pissed off thinking about my GF coming home from a night shift on a Friday night in her hoon lookalike car - WRX with loud zorst etc - and some undercover dipsh!t hoon cops driving all aggressively trying to bait her into a race, she wouldnt know if they are cops or dodgy f*ckers looking to carjack her or something..

I think the whole undercover hoon cops is a load of f*cking bullsh*t, nothin but media tripe to give the impression they are actually doing something about this supposed hoon plague..

dunno about you guys but I never see stuff like they show on Today Tonight etc..

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dont go there adrian :P the kid knew me and im like "f*ck!"


so it turns out he was your mate after all.

adrian cruise to mandurah was ok. run from mandurah back to freo was ace. under 20mins.....

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