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Thanks D, sorry I forgot about your PM I had to run when I got it & therefore forgot to go back and reply :spoton:

I've already sussed out the cost finance & insurance and I'm well within the limits so it's all good there - I'll have a guarantor as well as a ~$10k deposit coupled with a decent income (working sooo much :bopp:) & work history so I can't see there being a problem. Will have to wait and see what they say hey ... Hopefully yes

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CASH is always the best way...

Banks were nasty to me :( Feel your pain chik.

I can't decide whether or not I made a mistake buying my car at the time that I did.

Had I waited untill now probably could have paid it cash and I would have had it drive away probably 6-8k cheaper but then again I would have lost another 4-6k on my trade had I waited. But ill still pay about 6-8k interest over 5 years on a car that's depreciating.

On the plus side this cash which I got, I can slam on mods. No point of paying car off with the break fee :bopp:

That's life I guess.

Fark me 10k deposit Kael. At the time I was on about above 800p/w income... I put up a 26k paid off car as trade-in, which is essentially half the value of the car. Banks still made me walk >.<

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Legally they are, but who's to say they haven't been overlooking lately and taking risks. I.e. few mates were rejected months back, and applied recently and got accepted. with no circumstances changed.

Yeah just watch out and don't fixed rate finance.

Even if you pay it off quicker they are entitled to full interest or charge you hefty break fees which near the amount of the interest.

But yeah sometimes you do what you gotta do, I had no choice but to go for fixed as well banks playing the "AGE" card as well as didn't believe I could support myself, loan and car maintenance... which obviously they were wrong. Possibly if I fried my semi-expensive tyres every weekend, that's a different story though.


there is more to it and fif you look at your post .....months back, and applied recently and got accepted. with no circumstances changed.something obviously changed. They had been employed for longer which shows stability. I don't think that Kael is so stupid as to not read a contract . (Kael - read your contract and ask them all the questions- generally a bank loan you can pay off quicker without penalties but just check). I have no idea what you call this age card you need to be 18 to sign a contract.


p.s. sorry should have said I'm involved with lending @ a bank

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Dunno, IMO bank has stereotypical views.

Which is fair, covering ass as everyone else does.

As one of the questions... well on my app was age group.

I looked at the guide while she went to photocopy something, the grid had 18-21 = high risk. Not commitable to jobs for very long, high weekend spending etc.

So in their eyes, even though I earn what ever I earned. I could have gone and spent it on piss on the weekend.

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ive already figured out I was stupid to buy my car when I did. I always say no regrets but when it comes to money and banks f*ckin with ya yer I regret getting it when I did. Also not doing more research into them, not thrashing the car when I test drove it then I would have noticed the engine light come up *smacks self in head* oh well what can ya do.

D read ya pms pleaseeeeee

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Don't know what the hell bank you were at . Why the hell would they ask your age bracket when they would have your DOB???

If anything lending would get tougher as people are loosing jobs and the general cost of living is going up and therefore less disposable income available for loan repayments...

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Don't know what the hell bank you were at . Why the hell would they ask your age bracket when they would have your DOB???

If anything lending would get tougher as people are loosing jobs and the general cost of living is going up and therefore less disposable income available for loan repayments...

Well it did not ask for DOB and this was the second bank I went to so they didn't have it on file. The first one(my bank) didn't have bazaar questions....

They also claimed "Cheapest Bank Car Loan" at the time. But wouldn't give one lol...

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Well it did not ask for DOB and this was the second bank I went to so they didn't have it on file. The first one(my bank) didn't have bazaar questions....

mate there is no bank in the country that wont ask your DOB for a loan, whether you gave it to them knowingly or they just wrote it done and whacked it on the PC when they did the 100 point check they have your DOB so Age group would more than likely been on there assessing documents which you probably shouldn't have been looking at.

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mate there is no bank in the country that wont ask your DOB for a loan, whether you gave it to them knowingly or they just wrote it done and whacked it on the PC when they did the 100 point check they have your DOB so Age group would more than likely been on there assessing documents which you probably shouldn't have been looking at.

could have asked my dob, maybe I just dont remember. talking 6 months ago >.<

but defiantly had the age groups on assessor document.

hence why I thought I possibly filled something out for that but maybe I filled out dob >.< my bad

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When I sell my rolla I may take a little out of that coin for a set of injectors/tune from XFT or MTE - whoever’s cheaper.

Whatever you do, you should NEVER finance mods. Financing a car is one thing but financing mod's is another. Half of Perth seems to finance mods.

Few guys on Perth WRX who have a loan for the car and another for mods. Engines and boxes have popped so need to increase loan to get car back on road. In the meantime the value of the car is continually dropping. Wouldnt be a nice feeling selling a car only to realise you have 10K still oweing lol

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